UPDATE she's breathing hard w/ mouth open Graphic poo photo - pls help

Urates are a normal part of poo - it's not a "medical condition". I would treat for cocci as you plan to and give her some high protein treats and any good vitamins that you have, either "chicken vitamins" or the often-recommended Poly-Vi-Sol for infants (without iron!).
've started her on amprol 128, thinking it's cocci but since she's not eating should I also give her vitamin E/selenium and B complex down her throat?
UPDATE now she's breathing through her mouth alot, could it just be the stress? It's a little warmer in my office so I just turned the AC on for her....
Chickens do best in cooler weather so if she is mouth breathing, she is probably hot. Mine start panting when it's 75 outside. No need to give her supplements and extras for now during treatment so the meds can do their work without potential inhibition by supplements.

Yes, urates are normal. Sorry to scare you about that, all birds make them as it is their version of urine. If you look at normal piles, it's the white stuff on the poo mountain.
If your concerned about her not eating try giving her some scrambled eggs. It's a good protein boost and most of them love it. Her not eating could easily be because of stress and have nothing to do with illness so don't worry about it too much unless it goes on for more then a day or two. I've heard of people having good luck with spinich and blueberries too when a hen goes off feed, but I've always just used scrambled eggs---I always have plenty of those on hand.
cool, I've given her grapes and yogurt but she won't touch them. I'll try scambled eggs when I get home.

Another concern is shoud I continue to keep her isolated from the other 9 girls. I worry about once she bounces back that she end up being the low chicken and get pecked and pecked.
I'd keep her seperate for a couple of days. By then you should know if it's cocci or not. If it's cocci you're going to want to treat the rest of the flock anyway so I'd put her back in with the rest at that point.
Just thought of something else. You could see if she'd eat some pumpkin too. It's pretty available this time of year ( you might even have some on your porch?) Mine really like it. I've used mashed pumpkin quite a bit mixed with kitten food (she'd probably like that too) for foster kittens that are having digestion troubles. Not sure if it would firm up her poops like it does for the kittens, but I don't think it would hurt.

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