UPDATE: YAY! Doin' It In Saint Paul MN


Well, I am sure that I am about to be one of the most unpopular people here...but I have to put in a word from those of us who are forced to "deal" with the unwanted crowing of rooster(S) at 4 in the morning, and 5 in the evening for the dyslexic rooster. I have a "neighbor", that, no matter what the laws are, could care less. He has at a minimum, 4-6 roosters, heaven only knows how many chickens, he built a 2 and a half story "chicken coop", that is about to come tumbling down my backyard hill due to all of the erosion that he has caused by dumping poop and what not down the hill. He has destroyed 85 percent of my foliage and trees, and had the audacity to threaten me, after the nine millionth time one of his hens came onto my property, to eat MY wild bird food, and my dog decided it was KFC delivery. I had absolutely no remorse for the dang thing! He has never "asked" permission from either myself or my next door neighbor to have these noisy,feathered, "foul" poop machines, and I think he should be procecuted, fined, and jailed for his lack of respect, not only for the laws here in Saint Paul, but for his blatant malicious disregard for law abiding, tax paying, home owners such as myself! Just had to get that off my mind.
Morningstar --

While I feel for you and your situation (which pretty much bears out what the AC officer told me about the kind of calls they get regarding chickens -- that it's always the illegal folks who have the problems), coming here and posting won't do much good to change things. It's a classic avoidant Minnesota Nice passive aggressive strategy, though! Proves you really are from Saint Paul, LOL.

Call Animal Control and let them know about the situation with your neighbor. If he has a rooster, that's highly illegal and AC will come and take the rooster away. They will also probably make your neighbor clean up his act and take proper care of his birds. I don't know what they will do about the 'erosion' (has anybody else ever had to deal with that particular issue?) but if everything is in that bad of shape, they will probably confiscate the rest of the flock.

Either way, calling Animal Control to let them know this is going on is your best choice for actually dealing with your situation.

I mean, hijacking my thread instead of starting your own in order to complain is a way to go about it, but if you actually want something done, call AC. I believe their direct # is 651-266-1100, but I could be wrong, you may want to double check online.

Hope this helps.


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