UPDATED (Feb 3, 2012): Injured young hen [Warning: Graphic images.]

I would probably trim the 'downward' pointing feathers you spoke of in the skin, just so there's less weight on the skin trying to heal, and it won't get knocked as much
It's looking better, good that she can poo and still lay an egg. Continue to keep her warm and dry and keep medicine on it. I wouldn't mess with anything right now since she is just coming out of shock and she is painful. Give it a few days then trim back feathers and dead skin. as skin dies trim it off. Keep the wound saturated in wound dressing to help healing and keep skin from drying out to much at the edges.
She's looking good! I agree to keep the wound moist with medicine. Chickens heal so well and the fact that she laid an egg is a great sign. She'll be fine as long as you keep doing what your doing!
We just went through a prolapse oviduct along with torn insides. It was horrifcally gross, but amazingly, our chicken only took a week to heal, and this morning her vent went back in on its own. I am amazed at their ability to withstand all of this and survive.

Ignore the culling advice.

Ours had broken egg along with a whole egg inside of her. We sprayed it with antibiotic spray - which did have an anesthetic - not sure why that's a no no. And mainly kept it clean as possible, although that is impossible, because she constantly pooped. We fed her her regular feed and water, although at one point, I sprayed water on her beak to make sure she was getting enough fluid and she started drinking again.

Good luck, and please keep us posted.

I will add that when it first happened and we tried to push the vent back in, I could not even look at the mess, but gradually I got used to it, and by the 3rd day, the mess didn't bother me.
My goodness. What a horrific wound. I would also suggest that you start her on some antibiotics as a precaution. Most feedstores sell injectable penicillin. If infection manages to set in, it will undo all of the hard work you have done.

I also agree that the "downward" facing feathers should be removed.

You are doing such a wonderful job! Keep us updated!
First off...OMG! They really did a job on the poor girl!

I'm thinking the dangly thing is the oil gland as well, just judging from the approximate location of where it MIGHT have come from. I really hope it's not her vent. That's just terrible. Clean her up as recommended already. She may be a bit deformed after healing. As far as what to do about the dangling oil gland...I don't know. I'd kinda leave it be and see if it just dies off or something.
But I think with TLC, she may make it. But don't think she'll ever be able to be put back in with the ones that did this to being with.

My thoughts are with you.
I found one of my ladies upside down, eyes closed, with the back half of her neck missing last week and bone exposed. She looked dead but was still breathing. Popped her upright & into hospital, kept the wound clean and its amazing how fast she is healing!

You look like you are doing an amazing job of caring for her... keep up the great work! Some probiotics (yoghurt) and scrambled eggs would make for some yummy (and beneficial) hospital food. Good luck!

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