Updated*****Noob would like guesses at sex 4 new Pictures at 6 1/2 wks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Milwaukie, Or
My Wife and I have been Lurking around here for about a year and finally did it we bought chicks. they are now 4 wks . they were sexed with a guarentee for hens ( we went to the hatchery directly). I am pretty sure the breeds are correct austrolorpe, gold laced wyandote, cuckoo maran , and EE but have some suspicions on sex.


Cleo,Winnie, Penny


Cleo and Koo Koo


penny again


and Koo Koo again

I wish there was a Madden like telestrator to point out the differences for me to be able to learn this
Thanks in advance
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I am not seeing anything that screams roo yet.

It is still a little early to tell for sure.

Penny is bigger / taller than the rest, but she is an austrolorpe. She will be the biggest of them all when she is full grown.

Cleo's stance is pulletish in the first picture and more rooish in the second picture, but stance alone is not good enough. One my EE's pullets still stands with that tall neck stance.

At this age, I will vote all pullets. Give us new pics in 2 or so weeks.
I think the Aussie is a pullet, mine filled out quicker with their feathering than the boys did. I was thinking the GLW's legs looked a bit thick for a girl. Yes, 3 or 4 more weeks will really show you who is a hiding roo if you have one.

BTW, Congratulations on joining us crazy chicken folks!
They all look like pullets to me, except maybe the EE with the golden neck feathers. Not seeing much in the way of a roo comb though... Hatcheries at best are 90% accurate.
hey want to thank you all for the replies, the hatchery/breeder we got them from is a small local guy he took back on chick who had a foot problem and said if we get a Roo we will have a hen in the end so its all good , would really appreciate it if you tell me the whys and wha tfors so I could learn.
Basically there are just a few things you might look for once the feathers are coming along. At this age it is tough because the boys and girls really look the same. The males you would look at the combs and wattles to see if they are larger by comparison and redder than the other chickens they are with. This can be a helpful feature, but not always since some of them don't develop early on. The most distinguishing factor after the comb and wattles would be the hackle and saddle feathers, followed later by the sickle feathers in the tail. There are some breeds like the barred rock that the boys generally are whiter than the girls and it shows up early, but they tend to develop combs a bit quicker too. I knew I had a boy in a week from getting him. There is a feather sexing with some breeds, but that is in just the first couple of days and not all breeds. EEs are difficult until they are about 10-weeks, and even then they can trick you. Silkies are some of the hardest and I have even seen breeders say that you can't really tell until 3-months.
I hope that give you some idea of what to look for. If you get on here and look at some of these threads where people are trying to determine which is which, then you pick up on different things to look for and some breed specifics.
Sounds like you came across a good breeder who is going to treat you right.
Take care.

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