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Tonya, so sorry, those things just happen sometimes and we just have to get over it and be thankful for what we have. After you get settled down with the baby let me know and I will do my best to send more eggs to you for shipping.
I'm so sorry to hear your awful news, Tanya. I bet your heart stopped when you saw what happened. I have 2 brooders in my basement right now, and I put a dog kennel panel on top of each; I was going to take it off, thinking my cat would leave the little ones alone, but seeing this changed my mind. Thank you for that, and prayers for the little Silkies.
Congratulations on that new baby.

Sorry to hear about the chicks. Try to explain to the children that the cat was being a cat. Cats eat birds. That does not make it a bad cat.
Thank you all! The two little silkies seem to be doing much better. They are alive and moving around, slowly. I am hoping they will make a full recovery!

Bamachicken, thank you so much for your offer! I think in a few months I will take you up on it.

Thank for the congratulations! We are truly blessed to have him! It has been a whorlwind of a week and a half. Imagine a pregnancy lasting only 8 days.
I can't explain quickly what it has been like. I can just say that God's been helping us in every step of the process. And for those of you that aren't religious....fate is working overtime!
I feel your pain.
Dustin Biery sent me 25 mottled jap chicks and I, like a dummy only put one heat lamp on them. Didn't matter that it was brand new out the box...it went out. I went to check the chicks the next day to dead silence in the room.
My heart sank. I knew what had happened.


So sorry
Sorry for your loss.

I lost a chicken to a hawk one morning (one hen always escaped and free ranged). My son was quit upset and wanted to "get" the hawk. I used it as a chance to teach him a lesson that animals are animals. They do what comes instinctual to them, we can not fault them for that. in the case of the hawk, I explained that he cant go to the store to get food so he looks for the first source. That we as chicken guardians hold the responsibility to guard our "pets", it is not the responsibilty of the hawk to leave our pets alone.

Figured I may as well get something out of the loss. It really helped him get through it.

Congrats on the adoption!! That is very exciting!
It's hard to loose them when they are so small. We feel like it was our fault. Even just the idea of losing them seems so wrong (because they are so cute and helpless).

Life works in mysterious ways.

Don't focus on the loss, but on the lives in your care right now.
Congratulations on your new baby!!! How wonderful for your family!!
I'm really sorry about your chicks. That is so sad... but you are not at fault. Focus on your family.... you'll get more oportunities to hatch.

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