Updated! - Test Your Diagnostic Skills - Warning, Contains Graphic Necropsy Photos

Arrrgghhh... I have just disposed some dreadful smelling French cheese from my fridge... is your chicken in the fridge or freezer????

Freezer I can live with but not in my fridge for a long time....

I would love to be able to perform a necropsy to determine a potential cause of death in one of mine... I am waiting for your detailed information on the "fridge girl" findings... thanks for this wonderful ( and humerous ) thread.

Waiting..........and subscribing
She is the fridge, but in the way back where stuff tends to freeze. The Cochin is out baking in the 85 degree heat, lol. Need to do her today for sure and I'll do the girl in fridge tomorrow so I can get all of them buried at the same time.

Oh good gravy girl!! Anymore news or pics yet? How are those pox chickens doing? But better yet, how are you holding up?
Mmmmmmmmm......hog head cheese!
Well I blew it! The cochin I had scheduled to do, the one *not* in the fridge, ended up being maggot food, lol, but I do have another...

1-2 year old Buff Japanese hen, 375 grams, very thin had been looking off for a couple of days, so I brought her in and tubed her, but it was too late, she was dead 12 hours later.

Here are her necropsy pictures:

Note the blue coloration

Very thin

Liver looked good enough to eat

Gizzard looked large to me, but I haven't done enough necropsies to know what's normal.

I think this is her inactive/immature ova/yolks

These cecal pouches looked way too large and purple to me.

Large intestine where it connect to the vent

Very firm contents of cecal pouches


Ova and kidneys - Kidneys look big, but again, haven't done enough necropsies to know what normal.


Still have the one in the fridge to do!

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