Upstate, NY chicken peeps!

my bjg are growing by the day cant wait to see how many roos and hens I have all together I have 7 first time with them so we shall see
Wondering if anyone out there from upstate, NY??

I am in Delaware County (Catskills region) not far from Walton.

I have 7 chickens and, hope to get more one day. I'm raising them organically for eggs and as pets.

Just wanted to say HI to any BYC neighbors I may have!!


I very unexpectantly, just received 6 baby chicks n Thursday getting 6 Baby ducks, I need help , I need a chicken coop , I am no carpenter, Can anyone help ? :)
welcome laura from catskills ny have bjg chicks just love them ..out to coop tonite getting way to big for brooder..
Charlottem, You can buy one from Tractor Supply if you really need to.

You can ask a local building supply store if they can recommend anybody who may be able to help you, but that would probably be more expensive.
Where are you in NY?

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