UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

That a big 'bator! Wow I'm speechless.
If you have a local pepsi, coke or Canada dry distibutor near you can generally get the old coolers for next to nothing or for free...not cost effective for them to repair...the fan inside and the fan under the unit are generally fine and can be re-used..heating elements on the web for under 30 bucks...thermostat up to builder...I have a digital on mine from my HVAC company..think Jeremy uses hot water heater thermostat...they hold temp great with all the insulation
Bob is the master when it comes to these. Saw one he built and had to have one. Spent a lot of time texting back and forth while I was getting it just right. Not hard to build though and it works like a charm.
She was SO sweet! even gave me an egg or two, not that I got them Mrs broody Chic Fillet stole them!
Yes Bailey was one of my first local chicken friends...he def doesnt help me say no! LOL
Im still in awe your in H2o local high school played them in sports, and my parents are still up there, Ill have to come visit next time!

You better visit! Just give me a heads up the next time you are up this way! Isn't it weird that you know Bailey and we graduated HS together, in Lebanon, NH! 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon and all that.

Lebanon, NH is 15 miles from my house!!! Wow - super small world girls!
Yes, I'm planning on going, unless something happens at the last minute - it's a five hour drive. But a friend from my poultry club is going so I'm hopping in his car. Not showing, though.
Yes, I'm planning on going, unless something happens at the last minute - it's a five hour drive. But a friend from my poultry club is going so I'm hopping in his car. Not showing, though.

Im thinking about bugging down to Syracuse that day.. only 2 hour drive so why not? Just to look around and maybe see a few friends??

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