Coturnix Quail

5 Years
Jul 3, 2016
Please help me my 2 year old australorp hen was fine this morning but when i went to check on the girls there was blood everywhere in the coop and i found her bleeding from what looks to be her cloaca. She has been poofed up for the past few days but i didn’t think anything of it because it was cold, there also didn’t appear to be any blood before. She has fully molted and has all her feathers. I brought her in the house in a warm area and she still drips blood every two minutes or so. Also every minute or so it appears that she is trying to push something out?? There is a little bit of poop or something coming from her feathers leading up to her cloaca. She has been sitting in place trying to push something out i think. I fed her a grape to which she bit on but didn’t tear to eat it which is unusual because she likes grapes. As of right now she’s moving around a little bit trying to get out. Someone please help me i don’t know what to do!
You said she's coming off of a full molt. This leads me to believe that she's now starting to lay again. I'm concerned that she may have a broken egg inside of her, as you mentioned that she's bleeding from her cloaca. My recommendation is to wear rubber, nitrile or food-grade gloves, generously coated with a personal lubricant such as K-Y Jelly (water soluble is better), and insert a finger into her cloaca about an inch or two, to see if you can feel a broken egg cutting her. Let us know at the soonest what you feel inside of her so that we can go from there, and others can chime in as well. @casportpony @Sequel @Kiki @Eggcessive
Do not offer calcium until you've determined if there's a BROKEN egg in her or not as it will induce contractions, which could cause further damage if the egg is in fact broken.
I don’t have any rubbery gloves as you described, only the cheap plastic kind, will that be ok? My parents won’t be home until tomorrow evening so there’s no way for me to go out and get them. Should i give her a warm bath before to get the blood off her vent? I’m afraid of hurting her i will try my best though.
And yes, i think it is highly likely she was trying to lay an egg because i haven’t gotten eggs for a while now. I was thinking of the possibility of a prolapsed vent as well?
Yes, it's ok to use cheap gloves. The important thing is to get your CLEAN fingers (gloved is preferred) inside of her and check for eggshell or other obstacle. Proceed carefully so you don't get cut/hurt.

Bath is optional. Your gal won't care. Chickens seem to have a high pain tolerance.

Your gal would probably be happy to have the whole ordeal over with and to be feeling better again.

If it's a prolapsed vent, her insides would be outside. You would see swelling around her cloaca. It wouldn't look normal.

Back to going in...just do it. The first time is the hardest for YOU.

Keep us posted please. Pictures are also great.
Keep in mind the diameter of your finger vs the diameter of her normal eggs; chances are your fingers are much much smaller. Proceed gently and with lubricant, and this procedure shouldn't hurt her a bit. As Sara Ranch says, cheapo gloves are fine & a prolapsed vent would be rather hard to misdiagnose as her innards would be outside.
I don’t know what to do i tried putting it back in but she keeps pushing out trying to get all of it out


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Have you been able to do as suggested and do a digital exam? Did you feel an egg stuck up inside of her or broken shell?

That does look like a prolapse. You could try letting her soak in warm water (birds love it), give her extra calcium in the form of a crushed up tums or a crushed calcium tablet camouflaged in scrambled egg. If she won't eat it, break it into bite sized chunks and pop it into her mouth....if she is egg bound. The extra calcium may help her pass the egg.

For the prolapse. Check and see if your folks have any preparation H on hand. If they do, coat the oviduct with it and gently try to pop it back in. The prep H will help reduce swelling. You may have to repeat this until the swelling diminishes and the oviduct swelling goes down.

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