urgent - chick peeping upside down


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 10, 2013
Hello everyone,

I have a Silkie (edit) PIPPIN upside down. It's only day 19th. Should I turn him so that the hole faces up or should I just leave him like that??

Please, any advice is welcome!

Edit: Oh, and the eggs are places horizontally, co maybe it doesn't matter? because they will have to break the shell all way around anyway?

Edit2: I was so excited I typed "peeping" instead of "pipping".. I mean there is a small hole in the bottom part of the egg.. I'm sorry for my chaotic posts.
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As long as you can see the pip hole it should be O.K. Keep an eye on it and see if it makes progress, but don't open the incubator unless you have to. Good luck!
Thank you! I can actually see the pip hole just a bit, a while ago I saw it peck strongly at the membrane but it didn't tear and the beak just bounced off the ground. The other two eggs have had cracks for the past two hours but nothing more has happened so far. I guess I just have to be patient! Now I understand how difficult it is when you can see them trying to get :)
This is something that caught me out when I started hatching eggs. The chicks pip through the shell and then nothing happens for hours and I start to worry... And it's so tempting to just help the little things out! I've since learned that this is part of the hatch, the wait. And be warned: it can take a whole day! They pip through the shell to breathe and get used to breathing fresh air and they slowly, slowly absorb the last of the blood in the membrane, the last of the yolk sac to live off for the next 3 days... And then, once everything's absorbed and they are ready they will open that shell and say "Hello world! Here I am." And we go
All that worry for nothing!
We have one chick!!!!! I can't believe it! :)
Although the one that started pipping upside down is still in the same position:( it moved the beak a bit a while ago but it's still in the same position, after around 15h. Should we move him just a bit maybe? The newborn chick bumped into him once pr twice but didn't manage to change its position.
We're so happy!! The chick that's running around already managed to move the upsidedown-one. I took a picture and it seems it's been like this for around 12h. Is it ok? I hope it hasn't dried or anything..the humidity is 72% now, it had been around 63% before the first one got born.

I post a picture with the upside-down-chick-back-to-normal-position ;) will post more pictures later, have to go now!
What do you think? (i know the quality isn't the best)

I still don't have any pictures here, but we've got three black Silkies and two button quails!! :)) it's amazing! the quails are sooo small and cute! I'll try to post some pictures later one.

Oh, and the one that started pipping upside down for around 12hours managed to get out on his own! I'm so glad he made it :)

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