URGENT! Eye issue, please help!

These are also listed as exotic/avian vets in Roswell, NM:
Closest place is about an hour and a half away, and would charge $40 for the visit + $100 for anesthesia + ???? For the actual surgery. I’m sorry but I can’t afford that.

To answer an earlier concern about the paint, I have 3 other chickens with no issues at all and this Girls other eye is fine, all chickens had same exposure, and I was very careful to not get any paint in the coop/run, or where they could peck the paint. I could not find any injury of any sort, vet supply person is suspecting a cancerous tumor since it is not responding to any antibiotics.
She still seems to be functioning normal, and is eating, drinking, and laying, so I’m just leaving her alone and she’s doing well. None of the others pick on her.
I do have a friend who breeds and raises chickens, so I’m thinking about letting him have her on the condition that I can get some of the babies. She’s got such a loving nature.
Here’s some more pictures of her eye.
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👋 how’s your girl? I’m new and can’t see if you got help: what I do and have done is rinse rinse rinse. Yes the verterycin. I think I spelled that rite. Also it might be eye worm and in rinsing you are helping her. Chickens a flighty normally even tame ones just hold her between you knees gently, and spray 6-7-8-9 times a day if you have time. I do it every hour in the hour even at nighttime, and it can eventually after a few3-5 days have helped he. Can’t promise because I can’t see her, but like you we don’t use vets for our aFOWL as it’s hard to find an avian vet and even then it’s outlandishly $$$$$$$. Hope I helped and hope I don’t or didn’t hurt anyones feelings. GodSpeed for now or in the future: also for pain I use white willow bark. A few grains is worth it’s weight in gold, and it provides comfort. I think you can find that in the poultry firstAide guide to.

👋 how’s your girl? I’m new and can’t see if you got help: what I do and have done is rinse rinse rinse. Yes the verterycin. I think I spelled that rite. Also it might be eye worm and in rinsing you are helping her. Chickens a flighty normally even tame ones just hold her between you knees gently, and spray 6-7-8-9 times a day if you have time. I do it every hour in the hour even at nighttime, and it can eventually after a few3-5 days have helped he. Can’t promise because I can’t see her, but like you we don’t use vets for our aFOWL as it’s hard to find an avian vet and even then it’s outlandishly $$$$$$$. Hope I helped and hope I don’t or didn’t hurt anyones feelings. GodSpeed for now or in the future: also for pain I use white willow bark. A few grains is worth it’s weight in gold, and it provides comfort. I think you can find that in the poultry firstAide guide to.

Great pictures. When did this start and everything you’ve done has been exceptional extremely exceptional. I would go back to the rinsing if it’s still going on. If it’s in @fact eyeWorm, the VetRX helps considerably and my secret to getting rid of any parasites or worms anywhere: garlic. Chickens aFOWL have very little in the taste olfactory. Their taste. I add 20-30 cloves to a 5 Gallon cooler water with the drip system: every week, I never throw the garlic out, the more potent the fewer problems I’ve had over the years. Yes: I’m aFOWL finatic, I said it, I LOVE CREATURES & humanity. Feed very strong garlic powder in some scrambled eggs(make sure it’s cold), do this daily and if nothing else, it should or could get rid of or make her healthier. Again I hope I helped and didn’t hurt anyones feelings. If you need help with affordability do you have a Venmo, as I am blessed to be tipped considerably well and love to pay it forward to our aFOWL Lovers like you. @Walmart hast the least expensive garlic powder. If you want my eggLOAF Recipe: here goes. I make allot: large glass 9”x15” spray with olive oil as no stick: 30 eggs, 2T. Cayenne, 1/4 c. Parsley, 10 heaping T. Garlic. I Blend in @VitaMix pour in tray slowly, bake @350* and I read or do dishes while I’m cooking this as the birds I think prefer it softer and as will rise like a cake, or at least my cakes. You are in my prayers and my aFOWL are praying for you two to.
Long winded, sorry but hope n pray it helps.

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