Urgent. Please help with some advice or knowledge of what this could be? And what I need to do. She


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I feel for you! I'm looking through BYC and came across this. Sorry I am new to chickens and never saw that, I'm not much help, no help in fact but I want to know too! Is your bird acting funny, can she walk normal! How in the world did you even find that...hope someone has the answer!
Need more info in addition to the photo. Has it slowly grown over time or did you just notice it? Are there any scabs or small perforations near the lump? How is the bird's health otherwise?

If possible, take the bird to an avian vet so a sample can be taken for lab analysis. If it is hard, it could be a tumor. If it is soft, it is likely a cyst.

If you don't want to go to the vet, you could put a warm compress on it, lance it and make a small incision with a sterile blade, and see if the pus can be expelled. Clean it with Betadine. Keep the bird seperate from the rest for a few days and see how it heals.
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Need more info in addition to the photo. Has it slowly grown over time or did you just notice it? Are there any scabs or small perforations near the lump? How is the bird's health otherwise?

If possible, take the bird to an avian vet so a sample cab be taken for lab analysis. If it is hard, it could be a tumor. If it is soft, it is likely a cyst.

If you don't want to go to the vet, you could put a warm compress on it, lance it and make a small incision with a sterile blade, and see if the pus can be expelled. Clean it with Betadine. Keep the bird seperate from the rest for a few days and see how it heals.
Ok- It is hard..very hard. We thought it had a whiteish yellowish area, (thinking it is the pus).. so we put a warm compress on it, then poked it with a sterile pin. (husbands idea). Nothing happening.. she is very healthy as far as is visible. Walks fine... eager to eat...still allows us to hold her. Crop is a bit large, but we seem to go in phases with those darn things. It has no markings of a bite. I just noticed it last night. I cannot say how long she has had this irritation. I have held her many times this week and it wasn't there...or it wasn't that big.

Thank you for all of your help.
I had someone look at this that looks at human tumors, and although he does not know what this is exactly, he says it looks like it could be a benign tumor of muscle(myoma) or fibrous tissue (fibroma.) Probably consulting with your vet would be good.
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Pus in poultry tends to be different from what we know. It is a hard cheesy like substance instead of the liquid we see in ourselves. I agree with Eggcessive, if you have a Vet you can go to, do it. If not you could try painting it with iodine, on the off chance it is an infection. I will refer you back to Michael Apples post. I trust this person and this is why I asked him and the others to check this thread. I have no idea what this could be. It could be as simple as a staph infection that just needs an antibiotic to heal it. You would do well to find a Vet if you can, if not you will have to try different things to see what works.

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