Urgent: post-amputation care, advice needed/I thought I would spend my Saturday doing this...

How is your hen doing?

Bit of an update-
Leg hasn't changed much since my last photos. I am wondering if part of it still needs to auto-amputate, I'm hoping not as it will mean a longer recovery time, but we're taking it day by day. No swelling/redness etc. I'll get some pics next I change the bandage.
She is very happy with her little flock, she's never been low on the pecking order, but with these two there is no one around to bully her, and they have taken well to her. They are my two littles from 2020 who survived the shipping and were too sick to go outside until they were four months so they've always been a little weird, I think they like having an older hen around as they've always been pretty much alone.

She still makes no attempt to move except to get food and water. She has lost weight, but I think it may be muscle mass as she eats readily. I have been giving her raw eggs as they are her favorite treat. I have also been keeping the main flock locked up and letting her out in the yard with her two bantams in an effort to keep her strong. She is completely mobile on one leg and doesn't use her wings for stability anymore, but is definitely still in some pain, and prefers to sunbathe and rest.
I have been moving her stump every day as she keeps it tucked under her wing.
I've also been scattering oatmeal around so she needs to move to eat it, and she does hop around to forage when I do that, but she gets tired quick.
Right now I am concerned with getting her strong again and watching the stump. I honestly thought it would be healed by now, but I will get pictures tomorrow.
Here is her leg, it has taken a sharp turn for the worst.
I don't know what to do here- I've never dealt with something like this. I don't know if her leg needs to auto amputate or what but this doesn't look good to me. The black has spread further up her stump. When I examined her further, I noticed the crack above her knee. I think this may be to underuse. I have been bending her joints daily, but today is the first I've noticed this, even though it must have looked like this for at least a week and I didn't notice. I saw it and I just said oh shit Rosie.
I cut away as many feathers as I could to get a better look, flushed it with alcohol, and packed it with ointment. I don't know what else to do, if someone could offer some insight I'd appreciate it.
I really want to give her a chance but I don't think this is looking good. I feel like I've done everything I can, and she has been improving in spirit the last few days as you can tell in the one video. She has been standing to eat and drink, whereas most of the time she lays to feed. She has been more mobile as I've been locking most of the flock in the run and letting her out with the bantams only.
I took all of this as a good sign but now I'm wondering if euthanasia would be more humane. It sucks because this means her last couple of months would have been lived in pain, and now I feel like I should have just euthanized to begin with, I don't know what I did wrong.

Some insight would be really nice, I'm tearing myself up wondering what to do. Does this look like it might auto amputate or is she declining?
Thank you everyone for your knowledge and support thus far, I'm sorry I need to ask for more, I was hoping to have better news.

Video of her eating some raw egg yolks (her favorite):

Video of her leg:

Photos of the swelling at her joint and the break above the knee:
I assume a vet visit isnt possible?

Tagging @Wyorp Rock , @aart , @azygous , @Eggcessive , @ryneaeiel , ANYone else who can please offer input here!

I hardly ever come to the emergencies forum anymore because there are so many serious issues im clueless to help with, & new threads get posted so fast the earlier emergencies quickly get left behind and lost. Your latest post today is already getting left behind too. So also tag anyone YOU think can maybe help.

While you wait for medical advice, i do want to say please dont second-guess your decisions so far. ALL is more clearly known in hindsight. You've done the best you knew how for Rosie, & youve done a lot. And even if Rosie has experienced some pain the past 2 months, youve surely seen she has continued to enjoy her life. Heck my achy ol' body hurts every day, but that doesnt mean i want to be euthanized! So whatever happens from here on out, know know that Rosie is glad for it.

Ok hoping u get expert input very soon. If not, post your plea again. There are a Many knowledeable people on byc. Getting someone to see your thread is the key. Dont give up!

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