URGENT: Sick male duck

Awesome news!! Give that boy a hug from me please❤
So glad to hear he's making an improvement!
Great news! I am so happy to hear that he is doing better!
By the way does "he" have a name? (Please don't call him Afflac!)
Thanks all ❤️
Your hug reached Miss Lydia:hugs
His name is Pasqual (I’m calling the account with his name, I’m Ghazal😁) Btw, his name is on a character from the series Versailles :)
I just read through this and it’s wonderful reading that your duck is recovering!

You mentioned at the beginning that he never really turned white but is instead a creamy color, I wanted to reassure you that that’s normal. White ducks and geese are technically cream colored. I just wanted to say that so you don’t have that to worry about.

Also I wanted to list some treats my ducks like that Pasqual might also like.
Most varieties of cabbage and lettuce, cucumbers, thin sliced pumpkin, blueberries, peas, watermelon, red tomatoes (never green tomatoes because they are poisonous)
I just read through this and it’s wonderful reading that your duck is recovering!

You mentioned at the beginning that he never really turned white but is instead a creamy color, I wanted to reassure you that that’s normal. White ducks and geese are technically cream colored. I just wanted to say that so you don’t have that to worry about.

Also I wanted to list some treats my ducks like that Pasqual might also like.
Most varieties of cabbage and lettuce, cucumbers, thin sliced pumpkin, blueberries, peas, watermelon, red tomatoes (never green tomatoes because they are poisonous)
Thank you for your reply!
I never actually tried to give him leafy vegetables because I was scared he may choke, but I may try. Thank you for the list. I’ll try them all when their season comes. :love
I just read through this and it’s wonderful reading that your duck is recovering!
... red tomatoes (never green tomatoes because they are poisonous)
Had to laugh out when i read this: The message that green tomatoes and tomato plants are poisonous has never reached my ducks. I have to fence in my tomato plants or they will devour them whole, green tomatoes, leaves, stems and roots! This summer they even ate my poisonous potato plants! And all that without even showing signs of being unwell after that, even craving for more of the stuff, digging through the tomato patch over and over again, not even diarrhea or foul smelling poop, just nothing.
Wikipedia claims that different potato varieties contain different levels of glycoalkaloids and that growers try to keep the toxicity levels low. The article about the Tomato doesn't say anything similar, but i assume that the modern cultivated tomato is much less toxic than the original wild plant…
At least that's what my ducks are telling me… :confused:
Had to laugh out when i read this: The message that green tomatoes and tomato plants are poisonous has never reached my ducks. I have to fence in my tomato plants or they will devour them whole, green tomatoes, leaves, stems and roots! This summer they even ate my poisonous potato plants! And all that without even showing signs of being unwell after that, even craving for more of the stuff, digging through the tomato patch over and over again, not even diarrhea or foul smelling poop, just nothing.
Wikipedia claims that different potato varieties contain different levels of glycoalkaloids and that growers try to keep the toxicity levels low. The article about the Tomato doesn't say anything similar, but i assume that the modern cultivated tomato is much less toxic than the original wild plant…
At least that's what my ducks are telling me… :confused:

Yeah I’ve heard green tomatoes have dangerous levels of solanine but like you said different varieties might have different levels of it, and it’s good to hear your ducks are enjoying them regardless.
I just like to play it safe, i treat green tomatoes like I treat garlic and onions, a lot of people feed those to their ducks as a natural parasite deterrent but others say never to feed any kind of allium to animals, of course the culinary varieties are less dangerous than ornamentals but I don’t like to take chances.

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