Great news Nicole.
Just keep trying to get as much as you can down even if it's more frequently. Still keep food/treats for her also so when she is feeling up to it's available. Keep us posted. We're all hoping for a fast recovery.
Thanks guys :) I am really happy that at least she's getting some food in her. And really excited to see how fast the meds are going to work!!!

Oh, and the pill was way to hard to get down her so we crushed one in between two spoons and put it in the syringe with a little bit if water.
You would actually be surprised how easy it is to feed her like this!
I think she is getting used to it!!! I was actually very surprised when I tried to feed her, how easy it is!

Guess what!!! I weighed her and she is 1940!!!! That is about 130 grams more than she did two days ago! I know it's not much but a ton better than her losing! What would our weight goal be in grams?
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A kilogram is 2.2 pounds, so a pound is roughly 450 grams.

So, she has gained about a third of a pound. Nice.

Very happy to read that you all have it worked out. I suspect she may realize at some level that this is for her benefit.

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Thanks guys
I am really happy that at least she's getting some food in her. And really excited to see how fast the meds are going to work!!!

Oh, and the pill was way to hard to get down her so we crushed one in between two spoons and put it in the syringe with a little bit if water.
You would actually be surprised how easy it is to feed her like this!
I think she is getting used to it!!! I was actually very surprised when I tried to feed her, how easy it is!

Guess what!!! I weighed her and she is 1940!!!! That is about 130 grams more than she did two days ago! I know it's not much but a ton better than her losing! What would our weight goal be in grams?

130 grams every couple of days is a good place to start. Your immediate goal should be to reach the weight she was the first time she was weighed, which I think you said was 5 pounds (2268 grams)?


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