Username Troubles

Good grief. I just realized that's not a real thing. I thought Chaos was pronounced somehow differently and it was an actual branch of Engineering. 😭

This thread is an eye opener.
In all seriousness, chaos engineering is actually legit. It's a testing methodology designed to identify extreme fault conditions and test the resiliency of tools in turbulent and chaotic operating conditions.

A good analogy is like letting an 8 year kid into a nuclear power plant and telling them they can touch whatever they want. "What's this button do? *click click clickclickclickclick* Uh Oh..."

It's not a formal science like biochem, but people do get paid for it.
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I say his Azure Ban Clucker.

Don't ask. 🤚
Understand Captain America GIF
Azurban. It's a region in deep in the Amazon jungle. There are a couple of local tribes of headhunters there who have no interaction with the outside world and will off any stranger who enters their lands.

But the emeralds and Diamonds from that region are legendary, and many explorers have risked death over the years to bring some out.
I always read @azurbanclucker like "azurban clucker". Azurban seemed strange to me.
Then I realized it was Arizona. :th

@Everose I always read as "Ever Ose". Then she said it was "Eve Rose".
Both of these threw me off too
@tripletfeb, I gotta admit, was among the hardest for me to finally grasp.
I always said "Triple Feb".
Then @tripletfeb once explained it saying that she is a Triplet and they were born in February.
I would have never thought.
I did the same for way to long
Am I the only one that says Keek’s name “Ki-Gi” :lau
How did y'all pronounce @Bakbuk?
I always pronounced it "Back Book".
Bawk bawk
Because I need sleep

It doesn’t help that my brain likes to add letters to words to try to make them make sense. I always said casportpony as Casa port pony with the casa part having to hard a sounds.

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