Using a Indoor Grow Tent Setup as a Brooder???

I was able to find a clean 48" X 48" X 22" Shipping Cate I hope that will work I Can add Some to make it a little taller just need to make a lid I have a 36" X 100' Roll of Hardware Cloth! You think it would be big enough to old 10- 12 Chickens till they get feathers?
I put the plywood Crate In the heated garage it is 75F at all times with a large dehumidifier!!

It is a little Weathered but Clean as in not Contaminated or totally rotted.. I need to remove some staples and do some minor repairs from scrap and make a top add some leg's but the price was right and the best price (free) well about $5 in fuel and a little lifting + Got 2 really heavy smaller cedar ones wife wants to use as planters for the yard also.

The Shop Lights are LED nearly as bright as the grow room!! But I Can pit a top and a lid to block a lot of it.

That should be large enough for at least the first few weeks. A lid is a must, both to keep them in and to provide ventilation. I wouldn't worry too much about the shop lights, unless you have them on 24/7.
The Silki (it as we call it) not sure if a "roo or hen" wife wanted it due to photo and was a free chick!!The other's seem to be attracted to the carbide also wow they can travel on their own! They Always go to the vice and peck at the carbide end mill.. I Don't think they know about the you are in danger sign! Some peck at the rack of carbide tooling on the bench!! The dust yep!!.. Cannot wait to get them out doors!

Again i am building a pole barn next time they will be out in it! The DE keeps the smell down but the dust Wow! Their hen house will have a 4 X 4 X 6 Brooder/Transition built In!

The Silki it seems like all the other like to poop on It and one other the only one other a leghorn with poop on them!

Yes Mixing Grit in their Feed! The silki and leghorn don't like treats flat out refuse or ignore them!


I Would Really like ot know better then 50/50 if a Roo or a Hen! About 4 Weeks Old!!
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On the Brooder most chicks are now 4-5 weeks and i am running out of dimmer switch!! I reduced shop to 65 degrees keeping 70-75 in the brooder with the light!!

Unless i raise the light not going to be able to drop room temp below 60.. to maintain next temp drop..
Don't do that, any plastic crate with suitable flooring will be just fine, I use fine plastic mesh and cardboard under it, the chicks are fine with it, they don't eat wood shavings, very good support for the legs, easy to clean and reusable, use heating plate not pulp, make small holes at the bottom so if the drinker tipped over the chicks don't get so wet or drown.
Then it is autopilot
On the Brooder most chicks are now 4-5 weeks and i am running out of dimmer switch!! I reduced shop to 65 degrees keeping 70-75 in the brooder with the light!!

Unless i raise the light not going to be able to drop room temp below 60.. to maintain next temp drop..
Are you going by that silly 5°F drop a week?
I just go by behavior and get heat down faster.
Turn the heat down in the shop...or just turn the lamp off...they don't need it at 4-5 weeks.

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