Using a Indoor Grow Tent Setup as a Brooder???

Let them out of their coop to play few hours before dusk for the 2nd time I had to clip feathers on one side they wanted to fly over the fence to meet the neighbors chickens now they can only get 1/3 way up the fence. All but the silki was able to figure out how to get back in to the coop it was lost lol after 15 min we helped it in.. hope to have the run completed by the end of the week so they can have free range over it..

Been busy no time to work..

Mock up started..

Will be 1.5' hardware cloth 1' under ground, 2' pickets 3' HWC, 2; Pickets All around 24 X 32 Run - secure coops ground lever for ducks and this for chickens..

They will also get back yard access.. they love it!! except the local crows and blue jay;s like to taunt them..

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