Using a Indoor Grow Tent Setup as a Brooder???

Will be the 5th Night no light they still chirp like mad when the shop lights go out but settle down 20 to 40min afterwords and roost off the bedding and i notice they don't touch food or water much with light off.
Getting Bigger Every Day!!! The Black & White Java and and Gold Sex Links very Friendly.. The Java will fly up to edge and say hi and want to be held! The others well Skidish Still but getting better. Silki (it) is mellow but don't like to be held like in its own world with the welsummer! The White Leghorns are Jerks!! The Marans get picked on a little. The Black Australorps have their own click also but can be handled when ya can catch them.

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For now going to Modify the duck house had to do some leveling and agriculture expansion. But only take a few days to whip somthing up i did the duck house in less than a week..


That's the 1st 12 Yards.. Prob take 2 to 3 more dump truck loads. Know Tuesday and few units of wall block will be here Thursday I hope.

Note the fence east side slanted board is neighbors construction..
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Many inches of Rain the last week... it's a mud hole!

Hope to have 24 more yards in this week some time when your yard is sloped and you need usable level surface.. Well bring in the dump trucks of Fill dirt.

I think the Mottled Java starting to crow or just making strange sounds.. Most the other birds are clucking. The java's getting red waddles and its comb is turning red and noticeably bigger then all the rest but the most friendly so hope it is not a cockerel.


Yea, my sad attempt at a temp home for the next week..

The Chicken Coop Should Be Finished By Monday.. it is 4 X 8 inside. Built with about 85% of reclaimed / scrap lumber. I am in noway a seasoned carpenter it should last got some 4"X8" will use them as a foundation.


About Overloaded MY Roof Rack.. But Good Dumber and Was Free 9-12 foot each and a bunch of 1/2 ply wood and some 3/4 OSB.

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Ohh 3 weeks steady rain = delay

But 24 More Yards of Dirt Total 48 Yards..

Fence Going back up nice and level area for the run.. gate should be done Thursday..

Quick Build of a chicken coop I hope to have birds from make shift housing in to coop and run by monday.

They did not like the outside the first couple nights but they survived in makeshift pen. (yes we did cover it at night. We have now moved it over next to the duck house the ducks did not shut up for at least 2 hours. Had to screw the feeder to a board they kept knocking it over.

The molted java is for sure a cockerel caught him red waddles this time crowing!! friendly of the bunch cull and eat in a few mo or re-home?

Chicken in their coop it got in to the 30's the other night they all survived..

Prob tomorrow the many apple, pear and cherry trees may be arriving.

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