using broody goose to raise a gosling?


Mar 11, 2010
I have placed a order with Ideal to get a toulouse gosling on may 4
My female toulouse is a little under a year and has been laying eggs for a month. She has built herself a nest and Ive been removing the eggs that she lays. I was wondering, if I let her sit on her eggs do you think she might go broody, or is she too young? and if she did go broody do you think she would she except the gosling if I put it under her once it arrives?
Yep, even if a gosling has fallen into a hole, and the flock has given up trying to find, much less save, it, when you rescue it and reunite it with them, THEY have rescued it from YOU.
The thing is, my goose is imprinted on me and I don't think she has any idea that she is actually a goose and not a human. When she was about 6 months I tried to introduce a duckling to the flock. The goose did not like this at all and spent days sitting near the duckling's pen and hissing at it. It took about a month for her to be able to actually free range with the duck without ripping its head off, but now they seem to get along. Maybe she will act different now that she is older and laying but I have my doubts
It might just be my experience, but I find that young geese (even at that age) seem to have a problem with strange ducks/geese, especially babies. My young goose despised a duckling we had, as well. It was the only thing she ever hissed at. I think it's instinct for them to dislike strangers. Young goslings will also fight with any ducklings/goslings introduced to them if they are a certain age, that is, beyond the point where they'll accept newcomers. Once they grow up I think parental instincts will take over, especially if she is laying. I'd be careful introducing her to the gosling, but if she doesn't accept them, worse case scenario is you have to take care of it.
now that caused me to bust into laughter.

I too have a 2 year female goose. I didn't want any inbreeding so I took all of her eggs. I now have 5 new eggs from another farm. She seems a little sloppy in her ability to keep the eggs in tact in her nest so I am incubating 3 of them and gave her 2. I can assume if any of the goslings make it that I am incubating she will accept?
and what is the procedure in giving her the goslings..? and I am assuming I just place baby chick feeders near the nest for them to feed shortly after?

jean in Idaho

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