Using DE to dust a pigeon?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 27, 2008
Has anyone used DE to dust their pigeons or is this something that is not recommended? If so, how do you do it properly? Thanks for your help!
What type parasite are you trying to rid the birds of? I have seen feather mites on my birds and a quick spritz of a permethrin spray formulated for fleas/ticks on dogs and cats has worked well for me and was recommended by a master breeder from whom I bought some birds. Some may find this controversial but I have seen no ill effects and again it was recommended by someone who's advice I trust.
adams flea and tick spray for dogs and cats works well and safe for birds and humans spray under each wing and the vent
In the old days, they used to dust (especially with Sevin) extensively. However, the dust is hard on their lungs and also on yours, as it is pretty toxic stuff and tends to get scattered about the loft when you let go of the bird.

Sprays are much better.

The best spray I ever found was Purge III (or similar brand) which is a metered aerosol insecticide used in the food industry. One quick burst into each wing pit and you are a good for a long time. You can also do a couple quick bursts each week in the loft for prevention. It is VERY effective and one can will last a LONG TIME. It's about $15 a can. Unlike the flea spray, it will also keep flies, wasps, ants and other insects in the loft.

Been using this stuff for over 20 years.

You can also get the metered dispenser for it. It works on a timer and gives one quick blast at whatever rate you set it to.
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