Using golf balls for fake eggs

angus flock

In the Brooder
Jan 11, 2016
I have a flock of 10 hens all about 20 weeks old I heard if you put fake eggs it will help them to start laying I found some but there were only 2 per package and 6.00 a set so I read on here that you can use golf balls. Is this true? 5 out of the hens have bright red crowns and the other are a pale red/pink. How soon do you think they will start laying?? Help
I have a flock of 10 hens all about 20 weeks old I heard if you put fake eggs it will help them to start laying I found some but there were only 2 per package and 6.00 a set so I read on here that you can use golf balls. Is this true? 5 out of the hens have bright red crowns and the other are a pale red/pink. How soon do you think they will start laying?? Help

Welcome to BYC!
Yes, golf balls are quite suitable - in fact it's what I use (I actually use the plastic "practice" golf balls - even cheaper). What breed(s) are your girls? How long have the combs of your five more mature looking girls been this bright?
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Well if your hens have big red combs they should start laying any time now. They say they usually start to lay anywhere from 6-7 months of age. You can use fake golf balls to get the hens used to where you want them to lay, to get them trained. Hope this helps.

Sounds like your girls will start laying soon - golf balls are fine - any cheap brand will do. That gives the girls an idea where eggs should go. Please update when you get your first eggs so we can celebrate with you. Welcome to the Backyard chickens flock.

Golf balls have worked for a lot of members. Be patient, if I remember right, my earliest girls didn't start laying until about 22-24 weeks old. They'll do it when they're good and ready!

Good luck!
Welcome to BYC!
Yes, golf balls are quite suitable - in fact it's what I use (I actually use the plastic "practice" golf balls - even cheaper).  What breed(s) are your girls?  How long have the combs of your five more mature looking girls been this bright?
I just noticed them yesterday but I would have to say maybe a week or less I have 5 white leghorns and 5 California whites
I have used regular old golf balls quite successfully (hubby is a golfer, so lots of spare ones around). I used two per nest and removed them when it seemed that all had figured it out.

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