Using vinegar when combing coveys


Aug 24, 2020
I have seen and heard some people say that when combining coveys or quail who haven't been kept together, spraying then all lightly with apple cider vinegar will make them all smell the same and "anger and confuse them" so that they won't know who is who. I'm planning on combining two coveys soon when the second is mature enough. Does this work? Is it mean in any way? Some people spray ACV on their birds to help with diseases so I doubt they consider it very cruel.

Any other tips in combining coveys? They are currently being housed in separate cages but next to each other so they can get familiar.
Let us know if it works.

Two methods have worked for me.
1. See but don't touch. Put the bird(s) that you want to introduce into the pen inside a tote or other container where they can see and hear the others, but they can't touch. After 3-7 days let them loose into the main pen.
2. Move all of the birds into a new pen that is arranged completely differently from their old pen.
I don't think so. I just created it when I joined this site. Only go on youtube to watch videos I've never posted anything.

My names Ron
Oh ok thanks for the link, I will try watering down to make the 50/50 mix. The place I originally got the idea from was "NY coturnix" on YouTube so the coincidence was crazy.
I’m experimenting with the ACV. I took some of my younger chicks and put them with the 2 and 1/2 week older chicks in the grow out. One male did some chasing, no big aggression tho. But the chasey male was being a pain. I sprayed all quail with ACV/water mix, and they all stopped and settled down. I’m home all day every day, so I’ll watch them to make sure they’re ok, but so far they seem fine and it worked. I also sprayed the sand box lightly and mixed it around.

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