Using Zip Ties for Bands


11 Years
Jun 16, 2009
Salisbury, NC
I am needing to band some baby chicks as I have so many hatching. I want to be able to tell new owners of their hatch dates, but with so many hatching, it is hard. I might try the zip ties, but when they are sold, remove them so that they will not grow into the baby's legs if the new owners forget. Does that sound good, or does someone have a better, cheaper, easier idea? (i Think That's The Site Name) Is Where I Got My Plastic Colored Leg Bands. I Think I Got 15-20 For About $5. And They Aren't 'secure' In The Same Since As A Zip Tie. I Was Going To Use Zip Ties On Mine But They Were Actually More Than I Paid For The Real Leg Bands. Plus I Was Very Worried About How I'd Get Them Off Should I Need To Without Hurting The Birds. Because We All Know How Difficult The Zip Ties Are To Cut Etc.....
Hoof And Hen Ranch I Would Highly Recommed! They Have A Size Chart Etc As Well. And You Can Remove Them And Reuse Them Later If You Need To. THEY COME IN MULTIPLE COLORS. (ALSO HOOF AND HEN RANCH IS A MEMBER ON BYC!)

Hope That Helps!
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I found cable ties in a pack of four colors at Tractor Supply for about 2 dollars. There are at least 50 in the package. I figure I'll just cut them off with scissors when they need to come off. Until then, they work fine.
Just a thought... since they come in different colors why not use different colors to represent different hatch dates instead of marking on them? Just color code em'!
i agree with the above post. (forgot to mention that in my previous one. I think if you use these leg bands that are removable (should you want to) you will be happier. just my opinion
That's what we use is the zip ties. with the colors you can get plus using either the right or left leg you have all kinds of combo's for ID. And yes you are correct never never never sell them with the band on.

Steve in NC
I normally don't band my birds. However there was an intance were I wanted to track one pullet. I used a zip tie and it worked fine. Like previously stated just make sure to cut it off and don't band it tight. Also I cut off the extra so it didn't scratch her or anyone else.

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