
Exactly where I got them! We probably bought them on the same day. We bought 10; 5 plymoth barred and 5 red sex links. One of the reds died and when we went back to replace it the next week, we ended up with 3 instead of one more. So, we'll see how our dozen does...

We've got a larger lot, but not so sure it will be big enough for 50. I want to see how my neighbors react too... We're going to try with these and see how things go. I would like to do some meaties this summer but I'll probably need to find a butcher... do you know of anyone?

This is our first year, and you?

We got 3 Barred Rocks and 3 Red Sex Links. I prob should not push getting anymore. Being in Sandy proper, we're on the edge of legality. But all of my neighbors (who also receive some of my veggie bounty) are cool with it. I'm sure they're looking forward to some eggs too. My wife is fine with anything I do that might bring us fresh food.

I might get some meat birds someday. The day I picked up my chicks, I got to watch Christie butcher a young rooster. With a little practice, I could do it. Under the Meat Birds Etc. header, there is a sticky by "Frugal" that shows butchering in great detail. Take a look at it.
Hey I used to live in Santa Clara! Now I live in Heber. Talk about climate change! But I love it up here because I can have whatever animals I want

I've got 5 hens and an indian runner duck.
I've always liked Heber. That cold weather though.........

Gearing up for planting this weekend. Also, our chicks we have raised up are starting to lay.

We have 100+/- chickens, 7 goats, 6 ducks, planning on some turkeys and a HUGE garden area.

Hoping to find a 20-40 acre space at some point and really get to farming. Just learning on our little area here for now.
Christian- I am so jealous that you guys are planting already. I've still got over a month until I can even start my seeds inside. Our frost date is June 9th!!!! By then you will be harvesting any early fruits and veggies.

We had two pygmy goats but they kept getting out and playing in the road so we had to get rid of them. And we found out that pygmy's are picky eaters and wouldn't eat the weeds in the pasture. They wanted the alfalfa. We are looking for a new goat this spring that will actually eat the weeds.

Hope you find your 20+ acres! Wouldn't that be nice?!
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To those people who are told they can't raise chickens: sorry.
I can't understand cities which impose ordinances that restrict owning useful animals like chickens. What are we, slaves? Dogs make twice as much noise, are more obnoxious and certiainly more dangerous than any chicken could ever be. And they're "utility animals" as well; although some would argue they don't taste as good as chicken.
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Someday the people who made laws against utility animals are really going to wish they hadn't. If there ever comes a time when we need to live off what we can produce they are going to wish they had a few chickens. And we'll all be guarding our coops 24/7
Is anyone in SLC, Provo area ordering chicks anytime soon? I want to get a few Buff Orpington, Easter Eggers, or Astralops but I don't want to order 25 and that's usually the minimum.

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