
Again, lots going on here!!!

BLU, that looks like a pretty cool set-up you have there!! Your pullet that started laying, is it one of the pullets from chickenstock, or from the chicks Lisa hatched out?? If so, that means mine is close, too!! That EE of yours almost looks like she is molting, that's some nasty feather picking going on if that's the case, poor girl!! So sorry about your little goat,

Sundance... glad to know you are feeling better!!

Hattie, yay for hatching, and wow those are pretty little bantams, too!!

Birdman, yes I will be hatching cream legbars in the spring.. so I will save one for you, I'm assuming you would want a pullet..lol

Red... good luck with your job interview, love reading about your silly turkeys!!

I know I am forgetting someone/something... sorry!!

And Michelle, that is one HANDSOME roo=)
The Blue egg was a great find...I was soo excited. Totally made my day better!

No the none of the does were injured it was just the boys...
My poor cliff, I am just heartbroken over him.
He is the one that we had to do the emergency c section on back at the end of July in order to get him out.
Have to share a pic of him....I loved this boy. Wasn't he handsome?

Oh man! So sorry! These little goats are soo cute. I can't imagine losing a one, it's hard enough losing a chicken...or chick. So sorry.
Red, my MRI and neck x-ray went pretty good. X-rays are easy, but those MRI's..have to be very still, and they are so noisy. I did it though. Will wait to hear about them, or, may have to wait for my Jan. appointment.

Brad..your are going for that blue egg! A Legbar in the spring, good for you. :)

I now have two black babies, and one blue. All of the rest are pipped, but one. And I'll give you one guess which one it is. The olive egg! I can't win for losing..still, it's a pretty good sized egg...so, maybe it will hatch. I am closer to a 100% hatch! Unreal. Kind of funny.
Here is a picture of the early bird...lol..Ha Ha.. This little one came on day 19. Yesterday. with a pretty good splayed leg thing going on. I had tape on her last night, checked it this morning, still bad..the right leg wants to go way out..so, put the tape back on. Checked again tonight, a little better, but, changed the tape, and will leave it on tonight. I have two babies hatched in the bator. It really bugs me to leave them in there, but they seem fine..so, will wait, I don't want to lose that turquoise egg, and the powder blue one that are pipped. :) I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot of peeping tonight and in the morning. The bator is in our room. :))

Everyone ready for Thanksgiving? We are heading for Taylorsville to one of our daughters home.

I just love little baby chicks, just want to snuggle them up.
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yep i want a legbar. one issue that may complicate things is i do not heat my coop so it will be best to wait until late spring because that way when she is off of the heat in the brooder she can just go outside and not be cold. so if i do not get one from you daloorashens because of timing then no big deal, i would just wait for another to come along. :)
Oh, Baby Chicks....Just what I needed to see this morning.

who has pics of these Legbars? I am intrigued and want to see what they look like.

Oh and for Thanksgiving we are walking next door to my parents...
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Oh! Cynthia! It is so cute! What a sweet baby.

ANybody's EE/leghorn laying yet? I am getting one from Daloorashens, just wondering if any of them have laid blue. They sure are cute, with the little muffs :)
Red, my MRI and neck x-ray went pretty good. X-rays are easy, but those MRI's..have to be very still, and they are so noisy. I did it though. Will wait to hear about them, or, may have to wait for my Jan. appointment.

Brad..your are going for that blue egg! A Legbar in the spring, good for you. :)

I now have two black babies, and one blue. All of the rest are pipped, but one. And I'll give you one guess which one it is. The olive egg! I can't win for losing..still, it's a pretty good sized egg...so, maybe it will hatch. I am closer to a 100% hatch! Unreal. Kind of funny.
Here is a picture of the early bird...lol..Ha Ha.. This little one came on day 19. Yesterday. with a pretty good splayed leg thing going on. I had tape on her last night, checked it this morning, still bad..the right leg wants to go way out..so, put the tape back on. Checked again tonight, a little better, but, changed the tape, and will leave it on tonight. I have two babies hatched in the bator. It really bugs me to leave them in there, but they seem fine..so, will wait, I don't want to lose that turquoise egg, and the powder blue one that are pipped. :) I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot of peeping tonight and in the morning. The bator is in our room. :))

Everyone ready for Thanksgiving? We are heading for Taylorsville to one of our daughters home.

I just love little baby chicks, just want to snuggle them up.

Love the babies. Where in Taylorsville does your daughter live. Close to me? I am not sure where Ed and I are going. We may just go out to a restaurant. We usually go to my daughters but she is getting a divorce and is having a really hard time. I love herso much and hate that she and the boys are having so much turmoil in their life even though it was her idea. I am able to move better today. May be able to take the bandages off my chest. They are huge and bulky. Not very comfortable.
Yes. They all hatched! All 12 eggs that came to me. Hatched. What?!

Count them. 12 babies! I was up all last night because I wanted to see what came out
of the blue powder egg..that would be the black chick on the left side, closest to the blue.
The Olive green egg baby has a dark head, with a light black, or blue body, hard to tell,
it is on the very right side by the yellow chick. It has the most white chest, so won't be
mixing it up with the others. Hope it's a girl. The wings look promising for now, if we
could go by that.

A few pictures of one of the chipmunks, the lightest one. It has the puffy cheeks! One of my

See, puffy!

Is that a stink eye..at me? Time to put her back.

I do believe this blue, is going to be a splash. I already see black in the wings, and the
face has that darker area, and has some yellow. This baby is 5th generation from of
the eggs I got from a gal here in Utah. I had blue A.'s hatch. Sold a lot to a friend north
of here. She has several from her originals..of course, and just informed me of the 4th
generation moms, making this baby a 5th.

Darn cute! Hoping for a girl..and again, by the feathering so far, it looks to be. :) She
came from a light green egg.
The two chipmunks, both came from a brown egg. Wonder if they could still lay colored
eggs, because their legs are green!

Sundance. Our daughter lives around 6200 S. and on the west side. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Have had to watch that too. It's heartbreaking. You want your kids to be happy. Life certainly can throw us some curve balls along the way. I hope things work for the best for her.
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Wow!!!! Cynthia way to go on the hatch! That is awesome. The chicks are so dang cute!! Lucky girl. So happy for you now go get some sleep.

My eggs are here! Crossing my fingers for some to hatch. They came from North Carolina and he sent 2 extra!

Blujem that is so sad about your little goat. Is it the same dog that hurt your prize winning goat earlier this year. I'd be steaming mad if it was! So sorry this happened.

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