
You're a good person Red. Remember that I'm in your neck of the woods at least once a week. I'll end up selling a bunch of cookies in West Jordan, Taylorsville and West Valley. Good luck with your battery hen quest.

Chiko, that hen is absolutely stunningly gorgeous. I love her.
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So much always happening here. Red so sorry about your situation. Bad news to have to handle especially when you are sick.
I've been dealing with the same stuff that is going around. It's been a week now and I'm not seeing an end to it yet.
Hang in there.

Cynthia how is your boy doing? How are you feeling? Waiting to hear from you on an update.

Sundance love your little rooster! Are you going to breed some of those? I would love some chicks if you do.

Moriah love what you did for a heated waterer. The water heaters at Cal Ranch are 50 bucks! I'm getting tired of taking hot water out to melt the ice in the mornings. I'll have to see if I can put one of these together. Thanks for posting a picture.

Chico your Polish is beautiful. I am a Polish lover and I think they have such fun personalities besides being beautiful birds. Mine always make me smile and most of the time laugh.

I still have 3 little chicks wearing band- aids on their legs. I'm giving them vitamins and just hoping their legs straighten up.

Hattie I have some Serama eggs in the incubator. I'll let you know when they hatch. Plus my seramas layed the first egg yesterday so I may be hatching my own home grown ones. Good luck with the babies
Well, my son isn't doing any better. His white blood count was up yesterday, down a bit today, seems to be going up and down. He is having a blood clot taken care of right now. I had asked the ER dr. about a possible clot because of his swollen leg. He says, infection. Took three days to even test for it? :/ Now he will need to be on a blood thinner for a while. He needed blood today, so his colitis isn't coming along real fast. He will need plastic surgery on his hip and back to clean out infection in those areas.

Lisa, that Polish of Hectors is one of mine..his now. :)
Thank you, my friends. Sphinx, they've been separated for more than a year, now, and she's actually the one that moved out. The only reason I can figure as to why she is still dragging this out (and has been for a year, now) is that she wants money. He offered to give her the house and go elsewhere. No, she just wanted money, thank you. Alimony, child support (their youngest just turned 19, hardy har har) half the value of everything he owned. I am trying very hard not to be bitter about all of this, especially since he and I have been trying to be the good people and not drag their kids into this, like their mother has. The reason we can't see each other right now is that we'd like to stay in good standing with the church. I had a really good cry the other night after he told me about this latest twist. It's been so hard not to be able to see him, and I have a very bad feeling that his (near) ex is doing this because she also is a very vindictive person. Which, never mind the fact that her behavior in their marriage was ...... um ........ shameful.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really don't want to vent here and drown everyone in the drama
ANYway -

Chiko, I love Gaga's name! Perfect! She has such a sweet face. I'm glad you got her. I wanted one of those BLP chicks, but I didn't have room. I enjoy seeing pictures of other peoples' birds

Sundance, you have a picture of me bookmarked? Goodness, I'm going to blush now. I feel like a celebrity, haha!

Sphinx................I wish you lived closer. I didn't get to get any cookies last year, and this year, I happily have money

Moriah, I love your water bowl warmer! I may have to try something like that.

I caught sight of our resident hawk again this afternoon. I'd just fed the chooks and sat down in the house to watch the yard while I ate something when I saw the hawk land in the neighbor's tree. He wasn't there for very long, and then he headed to a different part of the neighborhood. Fortunately, all of our chickens have taken to holing up inside the run with the heat lamp, and I've got slabs of plywood leaning against either side of it to block out the weather, so they pretty well have a bunker there. Plus, the two Icee boys are good at taking care of their ladies. Plus, we have three big turkeys that roam the area

I did have to put my BR/Dominique in the garage, though. She hasn't been acting like herself, and today when I fed the flock, she just sat down in the back of the run and didn't go for the food. I grabbed her and put her in the layer suite with the light on her, then gave her some food. She was eating okay when I left, so I think I'll just keep her in there overnight and see how she does. I need to mix up some more vitamin water and put it in the water jars. Couldn't hurt to give everybody a boost.
This weather is hard on all the animals. I went and told my neighbors that they needed to provide better shelter for their dogs. The kids feed them and they were unaware that the shelter was so bad. They went out and bought them a new doghouse. I would just go ask the farms about the hens. nothing ventured nothing gained.
I don't know what church your talking about but I will tell you this. Life is much to short to put things on hold so I say grab your happiness and go for it. You are a really good person and deserve to be happy
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You're a good person Red. Remember that I'm in your neck of the woods at least once a week. I'll end up selling a bunch of cookies in West Jordan, Taylorsville and West Valley. Good luck with your battery hen quest.

Chiko, that hen is absolutely stunningly gorgeous. I love her.

Can you post a list of the cookies available
Can you post a list of the cookies available

Or even feel free to PM them to me, Sphinx. I'd be interested in some, for sure!

Cynthia, oh my goodness. Your heart must be sick with worry right now. I have mixed opinions about medical people, but some of them do a really good job and genuinely care about their patients. I'm sure that he has some good hands caring for him. He sounds like quite the fighter to be dealing with so much stuff! At least he is in the hospital where he can receive help with his infections and the like. Love ya, Cynthia

So, I think we had a near miss tonight. My mom came home from work and saw something by our side door. She realized that it was our little BO. Peach, the BO, had gotten out of the preserve and wandered up there, and we aren't totally sure why. She was huddled up and snuffling, so my mom picked her up and helped warm her, then put her in the garage with the Dominique. They both got a big helping of food and ate it all, and I mixed up some vitamins in warm water for them. Peach drank a bunch of it while I was there, and she seems okay. We think she may have gotten dehydrated and too cold, so she was disoriented. I'm going to do a head count and make sure that everyone else is still accounted for before I go to bed. I feel bad about Peach. I was asleep and didn't even know that she'd gotten out and was wandering
I think she may stay in the garage for a little while.
Took a few pictures of the chicks that's in the brooder. Actually its more of a cage this time cause of mama, No heat light just a 13 watt bulb for light.
Look at the size of (his) feet?

5 toes like mom but looks like dad. Its my favorite out of the three hatched.

here is the little black one. I'm hoping for a hen.

I don't have a picture of the thirded one that's with cotton. It's way to fast to catch and Cotton does some good blocking from my hand. Maybe tomorrow i will have better luck. The other ones are easy to catch. They all ready run to my hands looking for treats.
Thank you, my friends. Sphinx, they've been separated for more than a year, now, and she's actually the one that moved out. The only reason I can figure as to why she is still dragging this out (and has been for a year, now) is that she wants money. He offered to give her the house and go elsewhere. No, she just wanted money, thank you. Alimony, child support (their youngest just turned 19, hardy har har) half the value of everything he owned. I am trying very hard not to be bitter about all of this, especially since he and I have been trying to be the good people and not drag their kids into this, like their mother has. The reason we can't see each other right now is that we'd like to stay in good standing with the church. I had a really good cry the other night after he told me about this latest twist. It's been so hard not to be able to see him, and I have a very bad feeling that his (near) ex is doing this because she also is a very vindictive person. Which, never mind the fact that her behavior in their marriage was ...... um ........ shameful.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really don't want to vent here and drown everyone in the drama
ANYway -

Chiko, I love Gaga's name! Perfect! She has such a sweet face. I'm glad you got her. I wanted one of those BLP chicks, but I didn't have room. I enjoy seeing pictures of other peoples' birds

Sundance, you have a picture of me bookmarked? Goodness, I'm going to blush now. I feel like a celebrity, haha!

Sphinx................I wish you lived closer. I didn't get to get any cookies last year, and this year, I happily have money

Moriah, I love your water bowl warmer! I may have to try something like that.

I caught sight of our resident hawk again this afternoon. I'd just fed the chooks and sat down in the house to watch the yard while I ate something when I saw the hawk land in the neighbor's tree. He wasn't there for very long, and then he headed to a different part of the neighborhood. Fortunately, all of our chickens have taken to holing up inside the run with the heat lamp, and I've got slabs of plywood leaning against either side of it to block out the weather, so they pretty well have a bunker there. Plus, the two Icee boys are good at taking care of their ladies. Plus, we have three big turkeys that roam the area

I did have to put my BR/Dominique in the garage, though. She hasn't been acting like herself, and today when I fed the flock, she just sat down in the back of the run and didn't go for the food. I grabbed her and put her in the layer suite with the light on her, then gave her some food. She was eating okay when I left, so I think I'll just keep her in there overnight and see how she does. I need to mix up some more vitamin water and put it in the water jars. Couldn't hurt to give everybody a boost.

Edit: Oh! Oh! I keep getting excited about my New Year's resolution for 2013. This is the year that I want to adopt some ex-battery hens and rehab them
I have found a couple of commercial egg farms that I could check with, but I don't know if any of them would sell me some of their "older" birds or not. I so bad want to get my hands on two or three of those poor hens and just have them here with me.
Red, I've been doing my own pitty party so much here, that I missed what is going on with you. I'm so sorry! How much longer can she drag this out? You are such a good person in doing the right things in this mess. Sometimes, it's all in His time. It's hard waiting, but worth it. :)
Wow, Richard had a clot from his hip, to his pelvic area! They are giving him shots for now to keep the blood thinned while in the hospital. The nurse said they got it. She said it was huge. The dr. called me and told me of the shots he getting now..lovenox the he will have to be on Plavix for two months, then the ones we know, cumadin..for 6 months. spelling on all of those!

I went out to feed my chickens today. Soo cold again. But there they were, waiting for me. A couple of them really let me know, that I took long enough to get out there this morning. :) They all brought a great big smile to me. I just stood there and said, hey cuties. I go to the smaller coop first. Then when I started back to the coop, I just stood there and watched my big girls. I thought that Wheaton A. was pretty before! She is beautiful now! She was standing there, perking her head up, with her tail fanned a bit, trying to look over the huge pile of snow in front of the fence from shoveling. So pretty. And I also love the Blue I got from Arielle when it comes to looks. Very pretty, the one that gave me a surprise brown egg instead of a blue or green. She has the deepest voice I have ever heard come from any chicken I've ever owned. It's funny. Her face has that sweet look like the Wheaton. They made me smile big this morning. I love my chickens. :))
Here's a list of the different cookies: http://littlebrowniebakers.com/cookies/

Cynthia, those blood clots are so scary. I wonder why he's clotting like that? I'm glad they got it out.

Red, I'm glad your mom spotted Peach and got her safely inside.

MadChicken, those chicks are sure cute. That black one has very feminine looking feet. Hope it's a girl for you.

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