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This may be an old saying but new to me...husband humor. He named our new problem hen. He calls her a "Mother Plucker".


ElkMtn, I had a chicken like that and ended up selling her off to a farm out west, I’m the head plucker in my flock
(more husband humor).
Yeah, gotta love that husband humor. I rescued a horse once that was on three legs, horse had amazing inner strength to have gone through what he did. Anyways... we we're trying to come up with a name and my husband said "Axle" because his is broken. And so it stuck.

My Mother Plucker is actually doing very well with the hens in the big coop so far.
The ladies in the garage coop are slowly growing out their feathers so all is good in the chicken world...for now. Haven't been blessed w/any more eggs yet unfortunately -- sure hope they aren't older then the lady claimed (this is their 2nd winter).
K, thought I had the Mother Plucker problem solved. Found Delaware #2 plucking today in the garage coop and noticed new chest feathers missing fm the NHRs. Grrrr. I grab Plucker #2 and head to big coop and noticed Mother Plucker #1 has been VERY busy in the last day and even has plucked the Americanas who hv always been the most territorial! So now I'm extremely torked.

So two pluckers are in a cage lock down by themselves untill I decide what to do. I ordered the pinless peepers, cc's been charged but they haven't arrived yet. In all honesty -- does anyone believe the peepers will solve these hens (especial #1 who is OCP) or do I hv some hens on my hands that I should cull?

Sad thing is Plucker #2 laid a very beautiful rose colored egg yesterday. I know it's her because I am pretty sure she is a Delaware/Americana mix by her color and comb.

Should I cut my feather loss and get rid of these hens (anyone want them?)... or wait for the peepers to arrive? Plucker #2 is not as obsessive as #1 and could hv started out of boredom but I'm doing my dangest to keep them occupied until they have enough plumage to live outside. They are in a large dane cage (5 birds) with a nest box, roost, I visit often w/treats, etc. The NHR's are being assume and are becoming quite excited when I visit and hover by me. I'm wondering if I got a bad trait in the Delawares...? They came as chicks fm "someone's backyard in SL".

Everything I've read on Delawares say they are calm, great birds -- opposite of these. I hv the smallest Delaware, the one that was bleeding she was plucked so bad that is on the mend, SO far shows no signs of a plucker and is slowing coming around to eating fm my hand. Still more scared than the NHR's tho.

HELP?!!! I'm at a loss what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know these gals are meat birds and the two are pretty big girls but the DH says he'd rather gut & process a 900# elk than a chicken again. Advice would be more than appreciated!
My chickens had no problem with the cold spell. I have six hens in an 8x8 coop and put the same red warming light in the coop that I kept over the brooder. Mostly I wanted the light to keep the water from freezing so the light is close to the water and the hens perch several feet above the light. (I bought my watering system online it's a no pressure nipple.) So far I have no problem with condensation either. The chickens were spending time eating snow even though they had water so I wonder if maybe they think it's some extra cold yogurt.

The cool thing is I finally got a blue egg! I think one of my EE is laying brown but one started laying blue in December!
Blue egg -- VERY cool! I was so hoping for blue out of 4 EE's but hv only brown and green (and the pink one that maybe a goner soon). Maybe there's hope!

We went to SL today to pick up a big dog run for a future new coop -- SO jealous of how warm! Even saw green grass. Nice!
Does anyone need this yr's banty roo?

I have a barred rock and a very beautiful small partridge roo. I need the coop space and was hoping to find them someone that could use a breeder? Both are too small to eat and I don't like the idea of culling them just for space. I get too attached dangit!

They could be picked up in SL at my husband's work if needed.


It's that time of year again folks, time to think about ordering your chickies! (end of Jan for mid Feb delivery?)

I liked the Delaware's I got last year, and will do more of those. But, I may also be interested in Black Sex Links this year...

I'll probably order 50 from the hatchery like I did last year, and sell about 25-30 of them.
Anyone interested?


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