
Mine don't like snow either. We have an uncovered run area that I tried to remove the snow fm, but they also didn't like the "no dirt" thing and wouldn't venture even with treats on the smashed down parts.

SO.... my DH is going to convert the uncovered area into a little sunroom, I'm so jazzed! We purchased the materials today and I'll post pics when he gets it built. I'll hv to shovel out the snow and I'm sure it'll take some time to go from mud to sand again (assuming we ever see temps above freezing).

I just picked up 7 more ladies someone was giving away (3 Delawares/4 NH Reds or Red Sexlinks can't tell). They are 2 yrs, molting and weren't laying much but they had no heat, no sun. They love hanging out in the new coop and so far not near the usual pecking order spats I expected. They'll be a little crowded sq footage wise but better once the sun room area is opened again. The only other takers were going to use them for meat so I'm glad to have spared them. They are pretty sweet birds and hopefully will be ok layers.

My overall egg production is way down tho. Temps in minus plus windchill is making everyone miserable. We did get one of those heated water bases which has been WONDERFUL! Pricey but worth it!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

I put a timer in my coop to give artificial light. On at 4:40AM, and off at 9AM. Within 3 days, with my 32 birds, I went from about 18 eggs a day back up to 2 dozen. (some of the 2 year olds are molting and aren't laying anyway.) For the price of a light bulb, I'd say 25% is a good investment.

Been thinking about getting one of these. I currently have a blowing heater out there on low, faced on the water to keep it from freezing. It keeps the hens happy too. But, I think it gets too dusty for it though.
I've got a 5 gallon galvanized bucket, hanging about 14" from the floor to keep the water cleaner. Would a base work somehow with that set up, or would I need to build a stand?
As I recall, they're about $50 right? Where did you get yours?

I put a timer in my coop to give artificial light. On at 4:40AM, and off at 9AM. Within 3 days, with my 32 birds, I went from about 18 eggs a day back up to 2 dozen. (some of the 2 year olds are molting and aren't laying anyway.) For the price of a light bulb, I'd say 25% is a good investment.

Been thinking about getting one of these. I currently have a blowing heater out there on low, faced on the water to keep it from freezing. It keeps the hens happy too. But, I think it gets too dusty for it though.
I've got a 5 gallon galvanized bucket, hanging about 14" from the floor to keep the water cleaner. Would a base work somehow with that set up, or would I need to build a stand?
As I recall, they're about $50 right? Where did you get yours?


K, so 1 -- your light is only on for about 5 hrs? We were going to get an remote outside temp monitor at Walmart today but spaced it ($21). We adjust the bulb size according to outside temp (was 60 but bumped up to 100 ) and may get a thermostat if we think it'll help. It's a brooder type we leave on 24/7 and doesn't light it up too bright (we found they laid better w/a darker coop this summer). The covered part of the coop gets very little winter sun...if sunny, summer time it's perfect. With these temps I've locked them in at night, when it was in the 40's I didn't.

I had the same type 5 gal water bucket on 2 cinder blocks. We got the heater at IFA ($50-ish) and it is a round base (maybe 3" high) w/heater inside the base, and we just put that on the blocks. However, that 5 gal can be a bugger to haul (and right now we hv to fill in the house). We have outside stairs and nothing but ice so we purchased two new 3 gal cans. This way I can haul one out w/warmish water, replace and bring the other one in. Since it is a smaller tank it costs very little to run (the heater is on a thermostat control). It's been nice because the water is never even icy, so I know the girls will probably drink more. You don't need to buy the 2 smaller tanks but it sure has made it easy and worth it imo because of our setup.

I think the base would be fine right on the ground or you could put it on cinder blocks. For me, this just added that much more protection fm crud in the water.

We didn't hang ours because I have a real tiny banty OE and I wasn't sure if she'd be able to reach it hanging. This way she can jump up on the block. She's a great little layer and a real sweet bird -- the eggs are about quail size and a creme color, very cute. I didn't intend on getting "Izzy" but she was so tiny and was getting trampled at IFA, plus she kept falling through their grate and would hv died like the few others we saw stuck like that.

My new chicken total is 20... 18 hens, 2 banty roos. Today we got 9 eggs. I hope the new ladies learn to come when called. Our others just need "Ohhhh Girls!!" and they came running full speed. Very helpful when out free ranging in the summer.
Yes, but it wasn't for heat. It was only for egg production. I only stuck the heater out there when it got to -2 the other night. I'll probably shut it off on Tuesday or Wednesday when we have a (cough cough) heat wave coming. Birds can handle the cold in the winter much easier than the heat in the summer. But, you must have a lot of ventilation in there. (even in the winter!)


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Yes, but it wasn't for heat. It was only for egg production. I only stuck the heater out there when it got to -2 the other night. I'll probably shut it off on Tuesday or Wednesday when we have a (cough cough) heat wave coming. Birds can handle the cold in the winter much easier than the heat in the summer. But, you must have a lot of ventilation in there. (even in the winter!)


[edited for spellink]

Ventilation... I've been a little concerned there. The coop is not air tight and if the door is open it's a non issue. When the door's closed we can light filter through so I know they is some air flow. I also found a couple eggs frozen in a nest box (b4 we got the new chickens and up'd the wattage). Now I'm a thinking we should maybe drill some holes at the roof line.

However... should have never mentioned how well they were integrating. This morning I found one of the Delaware missing her tail, quite a few feathers and areas that had been pecked. Blood was dried and no big wounds but she's missing quite a few feathers. I'm so disappointed and feel so bad I'm ready to cry.

I'm not sure if I need to give them more time or just pull them out and put something temp in the garage (the most likely thing I'll do right now). I just thought things were going well and now they are obviously hanging in the coop for protection. Maybe we'll build a mini coop and nest boxes in the new "sunroom and they'll get that. Just hate seeing any of my girls unhappy and feel like I failed them.
I've only combined birds in the warmer months.
1st step is to keep them apart for 30+ days for quarantine purposes.
2nd, I'd build a pen, or somehow have them next to each other, with a fence in between them for at least a week. The combine them.

I did this with my original 11 birds, and my new 21 birds. Last spring I kept them in difference chicken runs next to each other, (separated by a chain link fence) for 7 days.
When I finally put them together they pecked and squawked at each other for 2 or 3 days while setting up the new pecking order, but because they were next to each other for that week, no one got hammered. They're happy as can be now.

Good luck!
I've only combined birds in the warmer months.
1st step is to keep them apart for 30+ days for quarantine purposes.
2nd, I'd build a pen, or somehow have them next to each other, with a fence in between them for at least a week. The combine them.

I did this with my original 11 birds, and my new 21 birds. Last spring I kept them in difference chicken runs next to each other, (separated by a chain link fence) for 7 days.
When I finally put them together they pecked and squawked at each other for 2 or 3 days while setting up the new pecking order, but because they were next to each other for that week, no one got hammered. They're happy as can be now.

Good luck!

Thank you! I've quarantined in the past but these were the lady's only chickens, "closed flock" and she said she had neverhad health issues. They look great except for the molt part and w/the weather... I decided to try the quick integration. Thought I was ok but guess not.
I'll have to look at my options now. *praying spring comes quick*

Moabite has got it right
, I used mine all last year and just had to replace the bulb last week. The only thing I would add is a thermocube https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=393539&p=1 this link even shows a picture of one, they are only 12 bucks and when the temp gos up it turns the power off so your only heating water when you have to. I got my last year at the home depot there in the rain gutter heater area or in the electrical switches section.
For those who don't want to take on the project to build the cookie-tin water heater (apparently for $10), you can buy a heated dog dish at IFA for $20. The 1 gallon waterer they have fits inside the dog dish. I keep mine elevated to prevent shavings into the water.

Darkroo, thanks for mentioning that HD has the thermocubes. I'll have to check that out.

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