
Hello, I live in south Central utah! I'm looking to buy some laying hens(less then 3 years please!) or some that are already few months old. I have 24 hens of various ages and I'm looking to replace a few that are no longer laying. They would have a good home, I have a large coop and they free range daily on an acre of land. I would be willing to drive to pick up and or meet half way! I hope to hear from you. My email address is [email protected] Thanks so much!
Wish the economy would get better. Eventually I'll be retiring on my land in Southern Utah County.....

So many ideas for coops etc...
I live in Taylorsville, Utah, near Salt Lake City. My pet chicken disappeared today. I have only one chicken left and want to buy a buddy for her. Do you Utahns know of anyone in my area who has a Barred Plymouth Rock chicken I could have, about 8 months old, ideally?

Thanks for your help! Also, do you know of any online chicken groups for Utah chicken owners?

Have you checked on KSL.com's classifieds section? There were a number of birds about that age listed when I checked a few days ago.

I don't know of any specific online chicken groups for Utah chicken owners (other than this thread), but there is the Utah Fancy Poultry Association (http://www.utahfancypoultry.org/). They have monthly meetings up near the State Fairgrounds, and a Spring and Fall show and auction.

good luck!

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Its been a while since anyones posted here. How are everyone's flocks doing in this cold weather? I've been keeping mine warm with 2 hot water bottles (milk jugs filled with hot tap water
). I change the water morning and night and it hasn't been frozen so far so they must be keeping my little 4 x4 henhouse relatively warm. The girls seem to do fine in the cold---I just worry when it drops into the single digits.
I'm in Alpine and they are doing fine - even being in the middle of their molt. I think the cold helps their feathers come in faster. When I let them out in the morning they are anxious to get outside, though the ground is pretty frozen to scratch in.
Mine too! My Black Stars and BR all started molting about three weeks ago, just in time for the cold to hit. They're mostly re-feathered now, but were not happy about this cold front we've had this week - they refused to leave the coop, which is very unusual for them. The others were all insisting on being let out, even on the coldest days. They like to hang out underneath the coop during the day. I figure they can always go back inside if they get too cold. If Daisie doesn't get some feathers on her soon, I'm going to make her wear a poncho or something - she looks ready to stuff and throw in the oven.
I don't know of any specific online chicken groups for Utah chicken owners (other than this thread), but there is the Utah Fancy Poultry Association (http://www.utahfancypoultry.org/). They have monthly meetings up near the State Fairgrounds, and a Spring and Fall show and auction.

There is a face book group, too -- which might actually just be urban / Salt Lake. It is not very active. This thread is more active, generally, even though it has been inactive recently.​

Mine don't like the snow, I've been out shoveling my back yard trying to coax them out of the coop but there wasn't enough dirt showing and I could only get one out for a very brief period. They are all upstairs I'm sure planning on taking over the house (they don't know we don't have dirt floors inside). My water heater light bulb burned out yesterday and when I went out to check they were very impatient
waiting for liquid water.

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