
k sounds good. If you even collected them I would be glad to pick them up and ship them to her for you

I will hold the blue ones if you want, one is almost white now, but I can hold the darker ones if you are willing to send them and work out the details.
I still have the ameraucana rooster with all the hens at the moment...Sadly I am not up to much right now, so can't guarantee anything...Give me a few weeks and maybe (hopefully) I will be doing better.

I understand. Just went to the grocery store and I'm pooped already, Need a nap before I deliver the grow out coop.
Well that hatch is over...the final result is two silkies. No SG. I opened the other eggs, one black SG, three white or paint SG, all dead in shell, either internally pipped or upside down. The only two silkies are the ones that hatched, how is that for luck, sheesh! Poor babies. So I am thinking if I could find a white Silkie hen to put with my SG roo, then I could just try to hatch more myself. Anyone know of white silkie pullets/hens available in UT? I have got to quit buying eggs
I am going to wait to sell these until I know I can find one...I could try these if one is a girl but I am pretty sure they are both splash, they do not look like paint they have a lot of grayish areas and yellow more like splash.

This is why I just open the small eggs on day 20, pips or no pips. I've saved so many. Even the upside down ones. I do this with the bantam eggs, and with the eggs that have the saddle air sacs, I know there is no way they are going to make that turn in such a small space. I just opened one that is due tomorrow. It is a Delaware. I only had one make it because the air sacs were soo soo bad. The guy sent me more for free..didn't even ask.. :) Anyway, this one also had a bad air sac going on. That poor chick only had half an egg to live in. So, went out this morning, came home, picked it up to listen if there was an internal pip..there was! I love it when they have pipped internally, then I know they have a real good chance of making it when I pip it. I just let them sit for the rest of the day, watch the blood vessels, then peel more egg shell back as the vessels go down, This one should be out and about by tonight. One, he will be surprised I got one to hatch. I had told him I knew I was going to have to assist, because there is no way this chick could turn and zip in that egg. Yaay, and the comb looks small. :) The other eggs he sent also have some bad air sacs, so far, 10 are viable, but, they usually quit when those air sacs are as high as a few of them are, so will see how many make it..some have pretty decent air sacs, so I should have me some Delawares soon.
That is so hilarious... Are they your goats and pigs? We had a goat for a total of 22 hours. My husbands employee's thought it would be funny for his birthday that if he walked into his office and have a baby goat in there. Yes, it was very funny, until I had to tell my then 3 year old that we couldn't keep his goat. The said goat is now living in Huntsville with our Grandma on a sheep farm, so we do get to see him every few months when we go up to visit. I really hope one day we live somewhere where we can have a goat or 2 they are such fun animals.
That is so hilarious... Are they your goats and pigs? We had a goat for a total of 22 hours. My husbands employee's thought it would be funny for his birthday that if he walked into his office and have a baby goat in there. Yes, it was very funny, until I had to tell my then 3 year old that we couldn't keep his goat. The said goat is now living in Huntsville with our Grandma on a sheep farm, so we do get to see him every few months when we go up to visit. I really hope one day we live somewhere where we can have a goat or 2 they are such fun animals.

No, not mine, just saw this video on my msn page. I thought it was cute. :)
K I will pm you after I talk to her

You are such a sweetheart! She was over for quite a while yesterday. Was telling me that you had mentioned someone with eggs. She's sure learned how to hatch. Those little mix babies are cute. I'm getting some of those eggs today. I may get one of her bantam NN's. Still have some room in my bantam pen to watch and see what I want to keep. I love my little Japanese. She sure is pretty with the grey..a little Birchen Japanese.

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