
Lisa, there is a guy in alpine that has posted on ksl a flock of Silkies. He has 4 hens and one rooster. 2 hens are white. The one picture he shows of his white looks really good. I have been temped to call him. The one he shows doesn't seem to be bearded. Isn't that what you want for SG?

Fully bearded white silkies would be best for breeding, my roo is regrettably non-bearded so I would want bearded if possible to make the offspring have a better chance at bearded :)
Fully bearded white silkies would be best for breeding, my roo is regrettably non-bearded so I would want bearded if possible to make the offspring have a better chance at bearded
I just picked up 4 silkie chicks that are going to be 2 weeks on Monday, I don't think any look like they are going to be white. But if I end up with one. I'll let you have her.
I had a death Tuesday. Ruby never recovered. I feel like never owning birds again, I failed so miserably. I have enough sense to do otherwise but... I feel like you guys will hate me now. I promised to give a good home to Ruby and she died. >.<

On the bright side, I got more eggs in, they seem to be developing just fine... And my Brahmas and the others are doing great...

*runs and hides within the walls of deviantART*

Sometimes our best intentions are thwarted by nature.
Stay strong and know you gave her your emotions and truly cared.
Well that hatch is over...the final result is two silkies. No SG. I opened the other eggs, one black SG, three white or paint SG, all dead in shell, either internally pipped or upside down. The only two silkies are the ones that hatched, how is that for luck, sheesh! Poor babies. So I am thinking if I could find a white Silkie hen to put with my SG roo, then I could just try to hatch more myself. Anyone know of white silkie pullets/hens available in UT? I have got to quit buying eggs
I am going to wait to sell these until I know I can find one...I could try these if one is a girl but I am pretty sure they are both splash, they do not look like paint they have a lot of grayish areas and yellow more like splash.


You may want to check with Christie Brown of Sunnybrooke Farms. She had tons of Silkies
running around last year. Sorry, I don't know much about them so couldn't tell you if they were bearded or not.

Good luck!!
Christie Brown is an old friend of mine. I need to call her later~

Oh my gosh guys! I was candling an egg, and the chick inside moved! It was so cool!
Well that hatch is over...the final result is two silkies. No SG. I opened the other eggs, one black SG, three white or paint SG, all dead in shell, either internally pipped or upside down. The only two silkies are the ones that hatched, how is that for luck, sheesh! Poor babies. So I am thinking if I could find a white Silkie hen to put with my SG roo, then I could just try to hatch more myself. Anyone know of white silkie pullets/hens available in UT? I have got to quit buying eggs
I am going to wait to sell these until I know I can find one...I could try these if one is a girl but I am pretty sure they are both splash, they do not look like paint they have a lot of grayish areas and yellow more like splash.

Silkies and SG are hard to hatch due to the vault on heads. If you want the silkies on KSL let me know. I am going to deliver my grow out pen that way and could pick them up.
Thank you Gary, Silly, Christina, Sundance--I appreciate you guys :) Dang if I am ever going to get a real showGIRL LOL!

Blujems--Brandi is wanting to know if you do shipped eggs from your wheatens and how much. I have her number if you pm me I can let her know, wasn't sure if you still had that rooster with them.

She is selling turkens and bantam turkens, I will put pics below if anyone is interested. Her mom goes to SLC twice a week if anyone needs a chicken train.

Boys to rehome, if anyone is interested--I have a Blue AM roo that came from a big pretty blue egg from Cowgirl. Supposed to be SQ stock...also an EE from Sundance that is white/lavender colored. A black turken male also....all about 4 weeks old. If anyone is interested let me know. Not 100 percent positive on gender, but pretty sure. I also have a beautiful Blue Copper Marans chick from Cowgirl that is starting to look like a boy, going to wait another week or two on that one, but if anyone is looking for one it would be good to know I may have a home for it.
Thank you Gary, Silly, Christina, Sundance--I appreciate you guys
Dang if I am ever going to get a real showGIRL LOL!

Blujems--Brandi is wanting to know if you do shipped eggs from your wheatens and how much. I have her number if you pm me I can let her know, wasn't sure if you still had that rooster with them.

She is selling turkens and bantam turkens, I will put pics below if anyone is interested. Her mom goes to SLC twice a week if anyone needs a chicken train.

Boys to rehome, if anyone is interested--I have a Blue AM roo that came from a big pretty blue egg from Cowgirl. Supposed to be SQ stock...also an EE from Sundance that is white/lavender colored. A black turken male also....all about 4 weeks old. If anyone is interested let me know. Not 100 percent positive on gender, but pretty sure. I also have a beautiful Blue Copper Marans chick from Cowgirl that is starting to look like a boy, going to wait another week or two on that one, but if anyone is looking for one it would be good to know I may have a home for it.

I still have the ameraucana rooster with all the hens at the moment...Sadly I am not up to much right now, so can't guarantee anything...Give me a few weeks and maybe (hopefully) I will be doing better.

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