
Lil's wheatens are from the same place--blujems :) From stock from Azriel in Montana.

Blu do you know if you will want one or both of the roosters from pawtraitart? If not, I could send them to Christina :) If you do want them, they will make an easy two mile trip to your place lol I can keep them as long as you need if you do want the little guys. There is for sure one blue and one regular wheaten male.
Casa I think I will take the blue one. I like the blues best. Thanks
Waiting on my marans to hatch. If all goes well I will have 2 hatch. Please, please.

I also have decided to let one of the adult fbcm hens and at least 4 ee hens go they are about 4 months. Old I think If anyone is interested
Lil's wheatens are from the same place--blujems :) From stock from Azriel in Montana.

Blu do you know if you will want one or both of the roosters from pawtraitart? If not, I could send them to Christina :) If you do want them, they will make an easy two mile trip to your place lol I can keep them as long as you need if you do want the little guys. There is for sure one blue and one regular wheaten male.

I thought that would be the case. Sissy also does not fit my breeding plans, so we can discuss. I'll post a pic when I get back to my desk.

That said, here's what I have that could use new homes, some can stay with me, but I have a shipment of 14-15 chicks coming in about a week, so...

Three wheaten/bw ams. Two boys and a girl from Blu.

Three houdan pullets (I don't have the space or numbers to work with them). I want to keep one because I like her (she runs into walks a lot).

Three frizzled EE's from sundance's eggs. One beautiful frizzled girl that I won't mind keeping. One black smooth coated frizzle. She is super friendly, the best of the group. And one smooth boy. He would be a fun addition to a flock. He has a Mohawk, black feathers with white lacing and a funky comb. I would love to see him grown, but I am at my rooster capacity. I am beyond my capacity, actually.

Two SBEL boys. They are destined to be dinner, but they are so pretty and sweet! I may as well put it out there in case someone wants them.

I have four birchen marans boys. One is a cull as he doesn't have feathered shanks. I will be keeping one or two of them. One I proving to be a beautiful blue birchen boy. Great lacing and feathered shanks. They came from nice super dark eggs so I am excited about them. Not sure if I want to deal with BBS, so my blue boy may come available at some point. I have to see what I get with the incoming chicks...hopefully some girls!!

Finally, if any of my favorelle eggs hatch, they will be on Craig's List unless someone here would like them. They are from U of A exhibition lines and parents are great layers!
Desert, it's maddening to know when they are ready to have their babies, isn't it? I'm kind of giggling over that little roo getting so cocky already. How are your incubating ones coming along?
Yes, the waiting is the hard part, especially when they're so close!!
And the reason this poor mare was being sent to the killers originally by the previous owner was that she wouldn't 'show' to any stallion that they had tried for 4 years. They had started to mistreat her even.

She is just slow to show she likes a guy.... plays real hard to get...lol. Another previous owner had told me that their vet claimed she couldn't get in foal because she had tumors on her ovaries...... just so nice to hear these things AFTER you buy a horse. Well, she looks to me in foal, even though, unlike normal, I didn't have her checked, and her milk is coming in (was at least, she doesn't look so close now....sheesh!!), so just waiting now.

Yep, that little guy was ready to 'take me on'!!!
Came charging right up all in my face...LOL!

I still need to candle your Legbar eggs!!! My Chickenstock (AMs and Icees) eggs are iffy!! They had been at the neighbors in my cheap incubator. When I got them over here I candled them. Some were gone, two non fertile and a couple looked started then gave up the ghost.... about four looked good. They went into the new Sportsman.

The Legbar eggs I got from you I just set a few days ago. The Chickenstock eggs should hatch within the next 2 days so then I'll candle yours. Holding my breath!!
Okay you three.... Lil, Casa and Blu,

Please decide which AMs are going where.... I keep reading posts but have to remember who wrote what between jumping around the threads...lol.

I'm wanting BW and W AMs. Looks like Lil's roos are related to Casa's hen that I got from her but Lil, your hen would work for me. Casa, looks like Blu may want the one roo but not the other...lol.
Please let me know what's available that would work for me. Thanks so very much!!!

I'm out to take pics per requested by Cynthia, clean the cat house (yes, we have an outdoor shed for the outside cats), clean coops and do the feed/water routine. DH is taking me to the drive in (which opens tonight) to see a movie. (LOL... he thinks I'm working too hard!!
Casa I think I will take the blue one. I like the blues best. Thanks
Waiting on my marans to hatch. If all goes well I will have 2 hatch. Please, please.

I also have decided to let one of the adult fbcm hens and at least 4 ee hens go they are about 4 months. Old I think If anyone is interested

Ok will save the blue one for you.

Christina you can have the Black one if you like :) (Wheaten Am I should say, it is starting to get the black in on its body) We can figure out a way to get it over to Duchesne. I think Donna goes over there once in awhile, and maybe I could get it to her somehow before she makes a trip over? Let me know if you think you would want him.

All these fun birds for sale. Fingers in ears! Lalalala!
You are such a riot

Everyone, will download and post pics tomorrow. Took pics of the finished runs and coops, along with the horses for Red.

I hope to get chick pics up soon.... always get side tracked when I'm in the chick shed...
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