
Yaay, I'm so excited..it's like I am going to get my very first egg again. I sold my two best layers to Brian when I just knew those two RIR's and my leghorn were close. They took their sweet time. A RIR is in a nest box now. She's been making noise all morning. You have to know, the other RIR and her are practically joined at the hip. The other RIR was just standing there staring at her in the nest box. Wouldn't leave her. Then the one that is going to lay, moved to the middle box..over went the other RIR, and she stood right on the front board of the nest box facing out, like she was watching over her friend. Then, she finally left her in the box, just a talking about it..probably wondering why she won't come out. I can so see these two laying in the same nest box together laying eggs some day. But, it's going to get up to 104 this week! Not sure that would be a great idea for them to lay in the same nest box.
What is everyone doing for their birds during this heat wave? I go out and put fresh water in their bowls a couple of times a day. I did spray them yesterday, and probably will again a few times this week. It's going to get hot out there for them. I gave them some grapes yesterday..they didn't know what to think of them at first, but it didn't take them long, and they were going crazy over them. Nice and cool treat. Time to get some water melon. Oh what we do for our feathered friends. :)
Red, love your pictures..that mama turkey and her babies...awww! Isn't it fun to have a mama bird out there to watch? They are so fun.
It's supposed to be 114 here this weekend! YIKES! Worried about keeping the girls cool. I did get a small mister kit this year, started using it earlier in the week and they seem to be enjoying it. About a month back, I got one of those low under the bed storage containers and filled it with water, but so far, they only drink from it. They've shown no interest in getting in and splashing around.

I want a mister kit!
We had Misters along one side of the run roof, but we took them down last summer because they made such a mud hole (and it would smell bad!) when we ran them throughout the day, and their food got mushy. Really wanted them then I decided I hated them :(

I did give mine a watermelon last weekend...was thinking that I should freeze one in 2 halves and take the frozen piece out for them to pick at. My girls seemed to survive the heat fine last year so trying not to worry. The quails worry me the most though they are so little and are always panting and will never go in the shaded area of their habitat, they sit right out in the sun. I definitely plan to go out and wet them down in the afternoon a few times. ;)

Hey Blujems just posted on FB that her very first grandbaby- to-be is a girl :)

Congrats Blu~~~! And hope you are feeling well today!
So, just peeked in the inc and I have babies....
. (These are the earlies!!) One is wandering aimlessly around, and another two are almost out. From what I can see on the shell, they all look to be Choc Orps so far. Yippee!! I'm hoping for a better hatch this time!!! No fiddling with the temps on the inc, or air conditioner!!!!! Also, not opening the inc until tomorrow night to pull babies and grab empty shells, if necessary.
I get so darned excited!!!
(Peafowl are due to hatch on the 30th!!!)
Yay! It's so fun to watch them babies. Congratulations. And you're in Bountiful right?
Blu! Congratulations! You will love being a grandma!!

What was I saying about those RIR's being joined at the hip? I swear, if I didn't see them running around separate in the yard, I would think they are! And what did I say about them sharing a nest box? Yep, I got two eggs today. They both decided to lay their first egg on the same day. Interesting. Nice small pullet eggs..thought the color would be darker though, hope they do get darker. One has a lot of speckles on it. One is larger than the other.

Yaay, I'm in the egg business again..check it out Brian!
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Yay! It's so fun to watch them babies. Congratulations.

And you're in Bountiful right?
Sara... I'm in Duchesne.. Corvidae is in Bountiful, but has property in Duchesne...lol.

You may want to look through my assortments of purebreds to make the trip a little more worth your while. Think you were looking for BCM which I don't have, but have some others you may be interested in.
. Let me know.

Have some Barred Holland chicks the same age which lay a large white egg and look like the Dominiques. There is a Barred Holland thread here on BYC if you wish to peruse it for info.
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Talking about the heat, I just was mean... The girls are outside in the free range grass, they are all in the shade looking so hot so I decided to put the sprinklers on them for a minute. Only 3 of them even moved. They just sat there and got sprayed. I left it on for only a minute, and they all got up and shook it off, and then moved over into the more wet grass. Poor things. I might go program the sprinklers to go on a few times during the day in that section for just a minute or 2 just to spray them down while its this hot. I feel bad for them.

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