
Sundance, I'm thinking that nobody called because it's Mother's Day. My real estate business was DEAD this weekend.

Lisa, your gift is beautiful!

Welcome TinyBeaks! What part of Utah are you in? I'm in the northern part of Davis County.
Sundance, I'm thinking that nobody called because it's Mother's Day. My real estate business was DEAD this weekend.

Lisa, your gift is beautiful!

Welcome TinyBeaks! What part of Utah are you in? I'm in the northern part of Davis County.

We went to Captain America today, and were the only ones in the entire theater, 8 screens. Wow!

They gave us free pop for Mother's Day :D
I asked this once before and didn't get an answer so I will try again :) What do you all use for bedding?? I haven't decided what to use yet. I was leaning towards sand but I worry that the girls will bathe in it and make the whole coop filthy (yah, I know it's a coop and it gets dusty) I have used straw in the past with my other girls and it seemed to work but I had troubles with them making nests and laying their eggs wherever they wanted and not in the boxes. Any opinions, thoughts, ideas, guidance????
I asked this once before and didn't get an answer so I will try again :) What do you all use for bedding?? I haven't decided what to use yet. I was leaning towards sand but I worry that the girls will bathe in it and make the whole coop filthy (yah, I know it's a coop and it gets dusty) I have used straw in the past with my other girls and it seemed to work but I had troubles with them making nests and laying their eggs wherever they wanted and not in the boxes. Any opinions, thoughts, ideas, guidance????
I use a mixture of shavings and straw. My girls LOVE it! I had to build a taller ledge to the nest box so they would stop kicking out the nesting materials.
Cynthia, huuuuuugs to you.

Tiny, welcome!

Rural, I use either pine shavings or hay/straw. My girls tend to like scratching in the shavings, though. I have tried grass from the yard when I've been short on cash, but my girls do NOT like it. I don't know if it's the moisture or smell or what, but they kind of pick around grass from either the lawn or the garden. Once it's sat out in the sun to bleach and dry, they will tolerate it more. Anyway, that's my two cents, sorry. Maybe ten cents, haha.
I just set eggs today in my Mini Advanced! What are you hatching? I have 4 sizzle eggs in mine (i hope they are sizzles and not bantam RIR or Bantam BSL).  And 3 Light blue eggs from my white EE. 

Happy Mothers Day.

Thank you! I'm hopefully hatching bantam chocolate orps. This is my first go. I'm hoping I didn't make a huge mistake in trying to hatch shipped eggs for my first time. :). I would love to try sizzles some time!

I put an add on KSL for my frizzle chicks and eggs.  I have had no phone calls.  As I looked at my add I realized it said Taylorsville, Ut.  Do you suppose people are mistakenly thinking I am chase?  I am going to create another acct in Hubbys name and put a SLC address,  I hope that makes a difference.  I have never had no calls or emails on any adds they usually sell pretty fast.  Plz tell me what u think

I bet you didn't get many calls because it's Mother's Day. If the eggs I set today fizzle I'd love some of your frizzles! Did I see that you have frizzled polish? They are amazing looking birds!
RuralPearls, If you are referring to nesting boxes, we framed in a 2"x4" frame work with dividers in it, so these plastic tubs will side in and fit tight in each compartment, I cut down the front of them like a half circle, so the hens could get in them easy. But the down side of that is that I cut the half circle too low, and the girls would kick out all of the material I used for nesting. I like the plastic tubs from Wal-Mart, because if their is a egg that breaks, or it gets messy, I can just pull it out and wash and sterile it with soap/bleach water , rinse off and dry. So now that the hens are alot bigger I went with the same plastic tubs, I just didn't cut down the side, which has helped alot to retain the wood chips in them. As far as nesting material. I have used shredded scrap paper, which is cheap, but sometimes the color dye's transfer over onto the egg shell,not to cool looking when you are selling the eggs. But I mainly use pine chips or shavings either from IFA, or Cal-Ranch. Or I get it from LeLand Mills in Spanish Fork, Ut, which is the cheapest for me. When I buy my bulk chicken feed. Some people around here just use straw, because they have access to it. I hope this helps.
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