
Lisa i love all the little chicks. I wish i had room to bread that many birds. All though i am probable the only one in this house and neighborhood that has the same feelings.

Iluvmysilkies seen your add on ksl and had to ask, is that the partridge that came from my? Pretty bird no matter were it came from.Love the little paint, will it be bearded?

Cynthia thank you so much for this little girl!!! She i very nice indeed.I am hoping that one of the little splash i keep turns out to be a rooster. He will replace his dad in the spring as far as the Silkie breeding goes. If i can get a rooster that has the same build we might get some show stoppers. Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh ya i forgot to ask, what have you been feeding her? I don't want to change her diet to drastically with a sudden feed change. I like to ween them off their old diet over a couple weeks. Even my chicks get weened starting at 6 weeks.
Yes it's the same one. Was a HARD decision which one to choose to let go. Im trying to see if hubby will just let me keep them all but I sorta promised I wouldnt add anymore unless I traded. But im still gonna try to pull some strings and see if I can keep her to lol. Yes this lil paint looks to be bearded, its just not real thick right now. I think she's going to start feathering in nicely over the next month. :)
Yes it's the same one. Was a HARD decision which one to choose to let go. Im trying to see if hubby will just let me keep them all but I sorta promised I wouldnt add anymore unless I traded. But im still gonna try to pull some strings and see if I can keep her to lol. Yes this lil paint looks to be bearded, its just not real thick right now. I think she's going to start feathering in nicely over the next month. :)
pull out the "you just had a baby card" ;) Curious, how much are you asking for her? I may have a neighbor who is looking for one.
Gary, you are very welcome. :) Remember to post photos in about a month, I will love to see how she turns out. She be getting better for a few months actually. So, a photo a month.

I feed my girls mash from a Mill out here..can't buy it in a store. I'm sure she will be fine. I had her in a pen, not free ranging, but she got a lot of grass throughout the day. I told your sister it was up to you if you want to trim around her eyes..she can't see! Such a fluff ball already at almost 4 months.
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Photos of one of my favorite pullets out there now. Sundance gave me some eggs, I kept this girl out of the hatch. She is adorable!

She is joined at the hip with the white EE. She is pretty too. I think I have a thing for white birds. :)
RJ, it is all y'all. I asked a Texan once

Hgillins, so sorry about your flock
That is so horrible. I hope the predators knock it off! Here's my broken record suggestion: urinate around the coop and run. Or if you or your friends have large dogs, have the hounds do the honors.

Cynthia, congrats! She's darling! I love that second picture.
Well RedIII, I have read the second part of the second paragraph more than a few times now. I believe I have read this prior as well, and that may have been from you as well. This is regarding the 'broken record' suggestion. I am not sure how to respond to this, or even if I should, you see 'supposing' I were to take your advice (and all the advice you have given me heretofore has been very good.) and employ this tactic 'round about my coop, how would one acknowledge receipt of said practice, and thank you, well in mixed company. And before anyone here jumps to conclusions, my official stand on the issue is that I am not doing this.
But then, I would do most anything for my birds… so, I am looking for a way to thank you for the tip, without anyone thinking I am employing same in my flock management system.

I'm not sure that this can be done. A paradox of sorts.

Anyway, Red, thank you so much for the kind tip. Hmmmm, I am sorry that I am (cough, cough) not at this time able to employ said tip in the management of predators, with specific regards to my home flock. You can be assured however, that 'every' precaution has and will be used to thwart said predators up to and including your tip.
If I were to execute your 'plan' I suppose I would start in the morning… but since I am not 'officially' onboard with this, it may be at sometime in the future.

As you can see, I enjoyed your post,

So very sad with our chicken luck as of late. Before we got the chickens moved to our new property the dog in the pen next to theirs managed to snap our polish hen's neck. She was my wife's favorite and she was pretty upset when it died. We figured things would be much better since the move, but they've only gotten worse. Our buff silky roo was attacked and killed about a week after the move, another of my wife's favorites. We thought we got that figured out but yesterday our bright white frizzle hen from Sundance was attacked DURING THE DAY! My wife sat with it all night hoping she could help it survive, no such luck. Today she went out to feed the birds and the last of her favorites, another frizzle from Sundance, had drowned in the water the ducks swim in. She's pretty upset that all of her favorite chickens are dead and said if it wasn't for the ducks and the fact that two of our roos were inherited from her great-grand-dad she would give up on the rest of them. I feel bad, but don't know what we could have done about the drowning and we are trying to fix the fence to keep predators out but it doesn't seem to help :( I know she wants more birds, specifically polish, silky, and turken chicks, but I'd hate to get more just to have them all die.
Wow this sucks!!! Once you get your flock secure from preditors let me know and i will donate some chicks to help you rebuild. New chicks always help me to forget about losses.
Wow this sucks!!! Once you get your flock secure from preditors let me know and i will donate some chicks to help you rebuild. New chicks always help me to forget about losses.
You know this is a great idea. They don't do barn raisings any more… but we could do a chicken raising right here in the Utah thread. I have a bunch of point of lay large fowl and a bunch of soon to be 8 week bantys, but not what your are looking for, based on what was lost, but I would be glad to buy a few 'birds' from those here who might have the stock you are looking for. So if Lisa, or Rural, Sundance, Red, Cynthia and or anyone else that has the type of bird you like, would be willing to sell a few, I would be pleased to pitch in.

Fix that fence, lets get some new birds in there.

Well RedIII, I have read the second part of the second paragraph more than a few times now. I believe I have read this prior as well, and that may have been from you as well. This is regarding the 'broken record' suggestion. I am not sure how to respond to this, or even if I should, you see 'supposing' I were to take your advice (and all the advice you have given me heretofore has been very good.) and employ this tactic 'round about my coop, how would one acknowledge receipt of said practice, and thank you, well in mixed company. And before anyone here jumps to conclusions, my official stand on the issue is that I am not doing this. ;)   But then, I would do most anything for my birds… so, I am looking for a way to thank you for the tip, without anyone thinking I am employing same in my flock management system.

I'm not sure that this can be done. A paradox of sorts. :oops:  

Anyway, Red, thank you so much for the kind tip. Hmmmm, I am sorry that I am (cough, cough) not at this time able to employ said tip in the management of predators, with specific regards to my home flock. You can be assured however, that 'every' precaution has and will be used to thwart said predators up to and including your tip. ;)  If I were to execute your 'plan' I suppose I would start in the morning… but since I am not 'officially' onboard with this, it may be at sometime in the future.

As you can see, I enjoyed your post,


Oh my gosh RJ, you are silly! I got a laugh out of your response. I had never even thought about being thanked for a suggestion. Mostly, I just assume that people will read my suggestion and either go, "Eww." or "Hmm."

That's why I suggested the dog part. My brother encourages his husky to mark around my mom's coop, and it helps keep the raccoons at bay. Birdman also told me that you can purchase wolf urine, but I hear it has a terrific reek.

Yes, I'm the urine suggester. I am "that girl". Goodness knows I've had my share of fun with predators, so I'm not above trying unconventional methods to protect my flock.

Unrelated note: one of my little cockerels has started trying to crow. He sounds like the funniest, cutest little imitation of a horse neighing :D

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