
I see a lot of utahns here lol. I'm picking out my hens soon and was wondering if anyone knows the best hens for utahs weather and is docile?

Utah weather. RIR's. Barred Rocks. EE's, or Ameraucanas. Australorp. There are many that do well. These are the good egg layers I just mentioned. I love my leghorns, and they do pretty good too. Fancy chickens? There are a few that do ok with the heat lamps in the coops in the winter.
Ya I plan on heat lamps everywhere during the winter months. I mostly just would like a variety. I've been leaning towards getting some ameraucanas, barred rocks, cuckoo marans and delaware. Just not sure which would be best for the best egg production.
A Calico Cochin? I'm excited to know what she could possibly be. She for sure is a Bantam, she is so dang tiny, I never think she will grow up, she fits right through my chain link fence. Thank god it only goes to my other side yard, so she can't get out anywhere. Do you think she really is a girl too. I sure hope so I love my little flower. I was calling her Peanut for the longest of time, but now with all her white coming in, I've been calling her little Flower.
The Mille Fleur and Calicoes all feather in different, and it's so fun to watch them mature! Here's my favorite hen, Bonnie, when she was around 8 weeks old...will have to run to the other computer for a mature pic of her. lol Oh, she's a Calico bantam Cochin, of course. :)

Hmm, will have to get more updated pics of Bonnie in the morning. Here's one of her from this winter...she had flown up into my arms and caught me by surprise. Luckily, I had my phone on me. ;) She literally follows me around like a puppy. Even if I'm on the outside of the chicken run, she runs along the fence line, making sure she's in the same general area I'm in. She's a total sweetheart.

My second question is about leaving my girls for four nights. We live in West Jordan and I have someone who can come over once a day to care for my animals. Is it safe to leave their coop open for those four nights or should I find someone who can come twice a day to let them out/in? I haven't seen any sign of predators in my yard, but I know there are cats and dogs in my neighborhood, and all four of my girls go right in and settle down as soon as the sun starts going down. What do you think? What do you all do when you go on vacation? I'm tempted to splurge on the electric door, but I'm not sure my husband is going to go for that since vacations can be costly.
I always make sure my chickens are closed up for the night. It only takes one predator to cause a really devastating situation. I'm lucky enough to have a great neighbor who keeps an eye on things and doesn't mind opening coops in the morning and closing up at night when I'm away on vacation.

My broody little mama hen. My Faverolle. She fluffs all up, but she doesn't peck me, just growls at me. :)

She has a run all to herself. It will be fun to watch a mama hen and babies again.
What a beautiful girl!!

twice a day is best. Better safe than sorry and cats / dogs on chickens can be devastating
I agree!!

Forgot to mention, my Houdan boy started crowing tonight. At sundown hehe, our neighbors,( the ones I went to lunch with and they talked about how glad I was not one of those inconsiderate people that has roosters) were dining outside on their patio with friends. They were laughing and having fun, then he crowed while I was out finishing up the chores. The laughter stopped. It got real quiet over there...I just kind of slinked back up to the house and slipped inside. I feel like such a bad neighbor I do not know if I can do it lol ! It will be interesting to see what they say, we are having a big graduation party over here next week outdoors and they will be over here.....Hmmmm.....

Please oh please little rooster be good in the morning!

Lisa, Oh my.... yikes!! Hope you neighbor is understanding!!!

Originally Posted by briansnarr

I see a lot of utahns here lol. I'm picking out my hens soon and was wondering if anyone knows the best hens for utahs weather and is docile?


She is adorable. I cant wait til I order my chickens
I've had really good luck with Orpingtons and Australorps laying well during the coldest part of winter. I'm in the Uinta Basin and it gets really super cold here. (Of course my coops are heated along with their water, and the lights are on almost continually, making the rest of what I have continue laying too).
Hello everyone
.... just stopping in again!!!

Well, another coop subdivided. One of the huge coops (trailer man camp) now has four sections (with another to go)....YAY
. One problem- husband cut doors into the heavy steel wall of the coop to the runs... the hens adapted well although last night while moving my Black Australorps into one of the separated pens I realized the door was much too small for my gigantic roo to use... ooops!! Guess poor DH will just have to get that grinder back out and cut that heavy steel a bit more. Poor Toby, and his much smaller back up roo partner can't get out either.... looks like more free range for the Australorps for another day.

The Barred Hollands and Welsummers are each in their own coops and runs
. Those flocks are rounded out and finished
, for now.

Been building runs and dividing walls in large coops (man camp trailers) so much that I should be exhausted and sleeping right now but am so excited
to get my breeds apart and get my flocks rounded out. Just need to finish my Wheaten/Blue Wheaten AMs, Black Orp flocks and obtain 1 more Buff Orp roo to back up Rosco, my new young Buff Orp roo.

Today, the local feed store owner mentioned he would buy all chicks available, plus young hens of laying ages, as some people are asking about purchasing laying hens.

Mare breeding went well last week. Temporarily stalled this week due to a big mare who shied and pulled my new breeding/hitching wall almost out of the ground
. Sheesh!! Had told the DH the concrete wasn't deep enough when he built it last fall. She's new to being handled (had been fairly unhandled by previous owner and I've been working with her for a year). These are all old or crippled, extremely well pedigreed mares. With the way the horse industry is right now I hesitated, however these mares may never carry another foal. They are well fed and have a simple life. I have only one foal due this year and it's from an old, scarred up mare, whom had been unable to settle in foal for the last 7 years, from what registration records show. Very exciting!!! I'm hoping for an easy birth and a healthy foal. She is due anytime!!!!

Juggled Cashmere goats around.... time for Xena to spend time with Krager now, since both Julianna and Brooklyn have spent enough time with him. Have to juggle since little Babbett needs a grown goat in her pen to protect her if a large predator shows up.

The bees need their next honey box on the hive...... ugh.... so much to do....lol!!

OKAY...love the chick pics and Casa.... those babies are soooooooo small!!! Yep, I thought it was bacon next to them too!!

Enough rambling from me.....
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The Mille Fleur and Calicoes all feather in different, and it's so fun to watch them mature! Here's my favorite hen, Bonnie, when she was around 8 weeks old...will have to run to the other computer for a mature pic of her. lol Oh, she's a Calico bantam Cochin, of course. :)

Hmm, will have to get more updated pics of Bonnie in the morning. Here's one of her from this winter...she had flown up into my arms and caught me by surprise. Luckily, I had my phone on me. ;) She literally follows me around like a puppy. Even if I'm on the outside of the chicken run, she runs along the fence line, making sure she's in the same general area I'm in. She's a total sweetheart.

They are beautiful, and both have so much similar looks to my little Flower. My little girl is extremely heavy feathered her on her legs, you can't even see any of her toes, she's been like that since I got her at 5 days old. She started out solid tan, and then started getting the darker copper and black feathers in. At 6 weeks is when the white started, and she was fully feathered, then her comes white. I thought maybe I stressed her out, by sticking her outside, since she was going white
She's turning out to be so beautiful, I just love her to pieces. And yes, she is extremely friendly unless you are bringing her in from the grow out pen over in the longer grass, then she gives you a run for your money to get her out.
Beautiful little cochins. I love the bantam cochins. They are so sweet. I am surprised at how my little Japanese is starting to be more comfortable around me.
I have a LF and a bantam cochin right now that I am watching. They are just too cute with all of the feathered feet, and the fluffy butts.

Desert..you have been crazy busy! Sounds like things are coming along..we need pictures!

Get to meet up with silly today. Bet ya'll can't guess where! lol...yep...Winco..the meeting place in Utah County for Cynthia12. :) Oh! Can't forget my camera.
I am leaving for Sanpete Friday at 5pm. So, I'm hoping I can get Joybells' chickens before then. I am most likely going to be in Brigham City showing houses tonight if that makes the northern part of it easier.

Sundance, I'm sorry that you're still feeling so poorly. I hope you are comfortable with the home you found for the buttons. They are so cute. I feel bad that you don't get to watch them in your home.

Sasha, I just love that little Bonnie. She is so cute!!

Welcome Briansnarr! I have to admit I choose my birds based more on looks and pretty eggs than production levels. LOL If you're looking for work horses, black sex links, RIR and leghorns are your best best. I love my easter eggers (ameraucanas).

Desert, good luck with your foaling. I hope it all goes smoothly. If you don't post pictures of the baby, I will CUT YOU. I love baby horses.

Cynthia, didn't I start the Winco chicken meeting place? LOL

When I went into the school this morning, all seven of my eggs were pipped. Two were pipped towards the ground. Silly birds. Only one pipped in the wrong place. Hoping they all hatch while the kids are there- they are soooooo excited.

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