
Brian, looks a lot like a hummingbird moth! I hope you didn't kill it! They are pretty uncommon, anymore. I think they're beautiful
Lisa, I think you are going to love your new little puppy. Some friends of ours had a Pomeranian, and he was the sweetest, smartest dog you ever met. He was alpha over their lab mix and let her know her place when she got out of line, but he was so even-keeled with humans and never gave anyone problems. Congrats! Grabbed my mom's gimpy BR roo yesterday and gave his legs a nice oiling. He did NOT like it, either. I have been watching him and am worried that he might have leg mites developing, so too bad. He gets to deal with being bathed, haha. And [COLOR=0000CD]Kyle[/COLOR], of course the little booger stopped dropping feathers once I told you I'd pick them up for you! I did get one big, wacky saddle feather, at least. I'm hoping he drops more soon.
no I did not kill it. They are beautiful. I've only ever seen them once when I was a little kid about 20 years ago, so I'd say they are VERY uncommon here In utah.
Any takers on a beautiful 3 month old Silkie Cockerel. Brian was going to take him, but he doesn't think he can have Roosters now, and this handsome man is starting to crow, every morning for the last few days, when I let them out in the free range he's been trying to crow, and he is getting louder everyday. I have horrible, horrible neighbors, and I don't need anymore issues with them. So I need to find him a new home.

Karen have you tried listing him on KSL? I have my silkie roo on KSL and keep getting calls but everyone is from SLC and does not want to drive this far north. I bet you would be able to rehome home pretty quick.
I just posted him for $10.00. Do people actually buy Silkie Roosters? I've already rehome 8 roosters this year, and all the others, I just gave away, no one wanted to pay even $5.00. I just want him to go to a good home. He is so very sweet, I wish I could keep him. But he's getting louder everyday. I'm going to miss him very much. My husband said just to leave him in until 9am, but I don't want to keep them locked up that long. And he only does it maybe 3 times at the most.
Well, I officially have until Monday to be rid of my roosters. I have birchen Marans and a bresse boy. All free now. I don't want to lose my hens also so that's where I am at. If anyone can keep the bresse boy until the second weekend of September, I would really like to be able to process him. Frustrating as these are all expensive birds (go to green fire farms to get an idea). I will call Cynthia's friend tomorrow if no one bites
Red, the little chicken stuffed animal was crocheted. My german grandmother taught me to crochet when I was young... It's a good way for me to get out all of my bottled up creativity. Right now I'm working on a scapghan (an afghan out of leftover yarn from other projects).
So...we are thinking about getting a duck. Any suggestions on breed? What do i need that I don't already have for my chickens. What do they do during the winter? Why is the sky blue? LOL.
Have yours started yet? The Chicken Lady says it's the starting season of molting. Man, I hope if mine do, they get it over with before winter this time. Had my last Miss Piggy start late, then it went into that cold cold winter. Poor thing, had no chance. Interesting facts on molting birds. I like that she mentions the juvenile molt. I am seeing a lot of those feathers now. Have a few getting ready to lay within a months time.

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Birdguy, that is so scary about the dog attack. I hope you reported it to the police. Next time it could be a small child.

6KidsFarm, I haven't had experience with either incubator, but I've been eyeing the the Brinsea.

UtahChickenDad, I'm sorry that your hen is still declining.

Silly, that little cockerel is so beautiful. I hope you find a good home for him.

Molting: I suspect 2-3 of my hens are molting. They're looking a little bit moth eaten, and normally are quite pretty.
Thanks! And that's a good idea to have a back up setup. I had a couple injuries last winter and it would have been so nice to have somewhere to separate them that was more enclosed and secure.

JED- my boy just came back from Christmas meadows in the Uintahs on Friday. It rained the whole time, he had one pair of shoes and his feet were wet all week, i felt so bad I did not think to send a spare pair of shoes or sandals. He was miserable, they did not get to do a lot of things due to the bad weather. And I was so worried the whole time! There was a bear sighting there the week before in the campground.

Hope you had fun at yours! Did you have good weather at least? Not sure where that one is located.
that's where I went. "Hinkley Scout Ranch" in the Uintahs (previously known as "Tomahawk")

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