
Bitsyhorse- congratulations on your expectancy. July is hard. I had one in June. The heat just about did me in.
I have adult babies now. Thank goodness.

Everyone Else: we just gotta get all ya all into ducks. Im lonely here by my one-sies.

I also laughed about chicken/ duck math when I joined. Im not laughing anymore. 17 ducks is "out of my mind" for this amount of space. I imagine chickens next year will put me in the completely insane catagory.

These are some Picks of my sweeties. 1 Pekin 4 Jumbo Pekin 4 Rouen 4 golden 300 (propriatary blended ducks from Metzer farms in CA. supposed to be eggcellent layers)

Adorable duckies, ! Love! I have had ducks before. I truly love them. We just have a lot of patio and seating areas around the yard and they pooped it up lol. If I could have a separate pen with duckies I would do it! We cannot have standing water though due to the preschool kiddos I teach and tend here at the house, licensing does not allow it. We have a fountain in the front because it is not considered a child area...but oh man how I would love me some duckies!

Ok speaking of multiplication, here we go. Batch #13 for the year..... We are going with an all Marans hatch. Please please oh PLEASE let's get more fertile ones this batch. PLEASE!

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Yay! My first hatch is set! I have 5 cream Legbars, 3 silkie/sgs from Lisa and a speckled OE from another friend here in Logan. Can't wait! :D Does this look ok? The auto turned doesn't seem to work well like this so I'll have to keep an eye on it.


Congrats! I love my my mini!

Please, no one buy lemon verbena. I have it all over my yard. You can have some for free. It is the gift that keeps on giving: once you have it, you can never get rid of it. Ha ha ha it looks nice, though, and smell great too.

Where are you located? I would love some of you are in the Logan area!!!
Bitsyhorse- congratulations on your expectancy. July is hard. I had one in June. The heat just about did me in.
I have adult babies now. Thank goodness.

Everyone Else: we just gotta get all ya all into ducks. Im lonely here by my one-sies.

I also laughed about chicken/ duck math when I joined. Im not laughing anymore. 17 ducks is "out of my mind" for this amount of space. I imagine chickens next year will put me in the completely insane catagory.

These are some Picks of my sweeties. 1 Pekin 4 Jumbo Pekin 4 Rouen 4 golden 300 (propriatary blended ducks from Metzer farms in CA. supposed to be eggcellent layers)

I've had one boy in july, one in june, and my 3rd in January ;) this one is a girl ;) and we're starting over with July lol, however, she'll likely push into August... we'll see ;)

and I absolutely LOVE baby ducks! <3 I doubt where I'm at will allow ducks though (however, people may not be able to distinguish me having a couple from the ones that occasionally swim in the little stream behind my house... but there is a walking path :p ) I want them so badly though! I'd be happy to talk ducks any day though! (and horses... but yeah... this is a chicken site lol!)
It's starting to sound like a chickaholics anonymous meeting. So I guess it's my turn.

"Hi, I'm Neuport and my 9 y/o daughter wanted chickens for her birthday this year. I was put in charge. DW thought we were going with one of those tiny coops in a box from Costco and 2 chickens. She put me in charge. After 31 years of marriage and seeing my hobbies she should have known better. Before she knew it I had imported an Amish coop from PA, built a 6 foot tall covered run, designed and built waterers and feeders, brooded 10 birds, one of which was an unexpected rooster, learned to caponize, added a couple more capons to bring the flock up to 12, and started growing wheat grass fodder that we give the chickens every day since they don't get on grass regularly. And that's just the past 8 weeks for someone who has never been around chickens before. I'm just getting warmed up. Lol! Now I'm designing an incubator and we don't have eggs and when we do they won't be fertile. When does it stop!"

It has been a great time working on this with my daughter.


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It's starting to sound like a chickaholics anonymous meeting. So I guess it's my turn.

"Hi, I'm Neuport and my 9 y/o daughter wanted chickens for her birthday this year. I was put in charge. DW thought we were going with one of those tiny coops in a box from Costco and 2 chickens. She put me in charge. After 31 years of marriage and seeing my hobbies she should have known better. Before she knew it I had imported an Amish coop from PA, built a 6 foot tall covered run, designed and built waterers and feeders, brooded 10 birds, one of which was an unexpected rooster, learned to caponize, added a couple more capons to bring the flock up to 12, and started growing wheat grass fodder that we give the chickens every day since they don't get on grass regularly. And that's just the past 8 weeks for someone who has never been around chickens before. I'm just getting warmed up. Lol!"

It has been a great time working on this with my daughter.

I also built a waterer and feeder and a fodder rack with seven tubs, pump, and timer. I forgot to admit all that earlier.

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