
also i am not sure its safe or not to eat eggs from hens that have had medicated feed or not or how long it would be unsafe for if its unsafe so that might be something to look into. same goes for this medicine she is on.

cynthia i hope the collar keeps working for your boy. i know how it is when you fall in love with them. btw do you have a barred rock? if so you should hatch some eggs from her if she is laying because then you would get a bsl
i think that is what you get but maybe its a barred roo over a rir hen? also i think it would be funny to see a silkie rir mix lol

I don't have a barred rock..shucks!

And yes, my hubby and I were trying to picture a RIR and Silkie mix! She isn't laying yet, but I think her eggs will go into the bator just to see.
No crowing this morning. Giving him some time...I can't hold my breath again, but sure would like this guy be the one that I can keep.
I have 4 of his egg in lock down today from a pretty girl..Her mom was a brown sexlink, dad was the pure marans. She has the golden and blues going on with puffy cheeks. Lays a nice dark creme colored egg.
Well, my rooster Bubba has found his voice!
I knew he would start crowing like a normal rooster. I need to sell him, only 10 dollars, I don't want him to go to the chicken pot! He is a pure Heritage RIR. He is very gentle with the girls. He is doing his dance for them now to pre warn them..lol..and..he no longer runs off with the treats, he will peck at it and call the girls over. He is such a gentleman. Beautiful boy now, going to get more beautiful! Only coming up on 8 months. He is fertilizing eggs..so glad I have some in the bator from him. This guy needs to make more babies.

He has that dark maroon heritage sheen. And..there is a gal that I know that will be heading to Logan to see Lisa soon, and has offered to take him north for me if there is anyone up that way that wants him.
nooooo! not Bubba!!! I hope the no crow collar works... he's far too handsome to end up in the stew pot!

It's been a while since I posted one of my crochet items... :) i am particularly happy with this sweater I made for my sister who is a senior in high school.
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It's been a while since I posted one of my crochet items... :) i am particularly happy with this sweater I made for my sister who is a senior in high school.

That looks really nice! I crochet edges, but tend to lose track of stitches in big projects so I stick to knitting.

Evening all…

I went out to collect the eggs between football games today and left the door ajar on the big coop while I fetched a new hay flake for them. When I got back I found these two interlopers in the coop. So I snapped a shot or two to share, I very much dislike having these birds always around and willing to enter my buildings to steal a bite to eat. I believe these two toms are young, their beard is much shorter than many that I see around the place. This view is inside my Large Fowl coop and these are certainly large foul.

I see bitsy's cream leg bar is being employed by another member, that is cool for everyone. IFA in Ogden would have CHICKS on the 15th of the month!
Perhaps the stores in the SLC neighborhood will as well. Which means it is chick season…

Red do you still have you Icelandic fowl? I am a bit behind in what is current on the board. Here is hoping everyone is well and their birds are doing the same. I do not like the sub-zero temps we had, and may well have again, the birds did enjoy the bit of sun we saw today.

Best to all and your birds,


Edit: Cynthia your RIR Rooster is very pretty, to say the least. I hope he finds a good home.
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Evening all… I went out to collect the eggs between football games today and left the door ajar on the big coop while I fetched a new hay flake for them. When I got back I found these two interlopers in the coop. So I snapped a shot or two to share, I very much dislike having these birds always around and willing to enter my buildings to steal a bite to eat. I believe these two toms are young, their beard is much shorter than many that I see around the place. This view is inside my Large Fowl coop and these are certainly large foul. I see bitsy's cream leg bar is being employed by another member, that is cool for everyone. IFA in Ogden would have CHICKS on the 15th of the month! :jumpy :jumpy :jumpy Perhaps the stores in the SLC neighborhood will as well. Which means it is chick season… :jumpy :jumpy :jumpy Red do you still have you Icelandic fowl? I am a bit behind in what is current on the board. Here is hoping everyone is well and their birds are doing the same. I do not like the sub-zero temps we had, and may well have again, the birds did enjoy the bit of sun we saw today. Best to all and your birds, RJ Edit: Cynthia your RIR Rooster is very pretty, to say the least. I hope he finds a good home.
That's crazy, RJ that those to turkeys would walk in like that. Obviously very habituated to humans. Look like two decent sized jakes. I know the DWR has been trapping and relocating some in other locations, perhaps the can be convinced your yard is the next place to trap them.
Yes there were three but one walked out before I could pull the (trigger) er, push the button on the camera. The DWR has asked if they could trap here on the property, and we asked to do so please! I have big ol turkey droppings on all of my sidewalks and blacktop driveways, it is just messy, nasty & ugly. We have seen over a hundred at a time on the place. Also they don't seem to mind people much…

While I am here, do any of you know of or have apps to recommend, for or about chickens. Things that would or might be of use on a mobile device. AND are there Facebook pages of local interest to the chicken keeper? I would be a bit backward on those type of things, but believe that many of you may not be so.

Thanks everyone,


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