
I wasn't going to get leghorns because of the big combs. But when I saw how cute those chicks at IFA were I had to have one... and now I have frostbitten comb! If only I could knit her comb a comb-cozy, ha ha ha!
rub vasaline on her comb. I have a leghorn. I've been expecting frostbite, especially since she sits on the outside roost..with the RSL. She tucks her head though.

I love the leghorn! Always sweet. The one I have right now I have to be especially careful not to walk on her. She is right there under foot when I'm out there.

What happened to our Utah thread???! I know where everyone is..I'm just as bad for not coming in here.
I'm still here!!

Guilty as charged---I'm on the chicken FB pages, but there are getting to be too many lol!! Been slacking there lately too! I still call this my "home".
Hope you are getting ready for the holidays @Cynthia12!

My Marans Roo has a couple tips that got frostbite. Boo to that cold spell!
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Hi Lisa!
Good to see you. Oh yes, Christmas shopping is pretty much done. Now for the wrapping part. And, the Family Christmas Party..on Christmas Eve this yr. It will be at noon thank goodness.
Pretty excited for this yr. Will have Richard here, our son with Spina Bifida, my sister Lisa..she is my mentally handicapped sis. And Austin and his wife..Bronwyn. They will go with us to the Family Party, stay the night, and be with us Christmas morning! Will be fun to have some here on Christmas morning. :)

Did you see my last silkie babies? I have more of hers in..wanting a black. I am hoping Scott will fix up my smaller coop this coming yr. so I can start keeping a few of my silkies. Have wanted to breed for a while. I just don't trust that coop. Too cold, even with a lamp. I have a barred NN boy in there right now, with another mix that I hatched with him. He is getting cute. Very friendly. I have another one that I hatched from the lady I got the NN eggs from...man, these birds are so friendly, easy going!

Cute little stinks. :) Had two blacks .. DIS...oh my goodness..makes me mad I didn't
get in before they passed. Gorgeous..fully developed. It was Thanksgiving Day soo...
Hi Lisa! :ya Good to see you. Oh yes, Christmas shopping is pretty much done. Now for the wrapping part. And, the Family Christmas Party..on Christmas Eve this yr. It will be at noon thank goodness. Pretty excited for this yr. Will have Richard here, our son with Spina Bifida, my sister Lisa..she is my mentally handicapped sis. And Austin and his wife..Bronwyn. They will go with us to the Family Party, stay the night, and be with us Christmas morning! Will be fun to have some here on Christmas morning. :) Did you see my last silkie babies? I have more of hers in..wanting a black. I am hoping Scott will fix up my smaller coop this coming yr. so I can start keeping a few of my silkies. Have wanted to breed for a while. I just don't trust that coop. Too cold, even with a lamp. I have a barred NN boy in there right now, with another mix that I hatched with him. He is getting cute. Very friendly. I have another one that I hatched from the lady I got the NN eggs from...man, these birds are so friendly, easy going! Cute little stinks. :) Had two blacks .. DIS...oh my goodness..makes me mad I didn't get in before they passed. Gorgeous..fully developed. It was Thanksgiving Day soo...
:love LOVE THOSE babies D: I am trying soooo hard not to hatch til after New Year's. Can't wait to see your hatch a long babies! What are you hatching next?? More silkies? I love the white boy I got from you. Will have to get a pic. Lots of streamers, very sweet, easy going. He is in with Yoshi and they get along great, I did not have to choose :D That is great you will get to see your siblings....AND have Austin home again!! Yay! I hope you have a great Christmas. Such a busy time! But so good to see/spend time with family!
My hatch a long eggs are from Trader Joes!!!!!
Austin lives in Taylorsville..brought me home 3 doz. I have been wanting to try some of those forever. Get some nice egg layers going by spring. Not sure they are developing. Only on day 3 tomorrow though. Maybe I'll see some veins by tomorrow..should do on day 3 with white eggs..right?

I have silkies due on the 19th..some from the same gal I got these from. I want a girl like her black one! Beautiful. They are from Raven on here.

Hey, glad that your roosters are getting along. That's always a plus. I have a barred rock NN out there..cockerel. Would be nice if he were one not to crow for a while, then not a lot. I would like him to breed with my leghorn, and..my white leghorn/EE mix.

Have fun doing your Christmas stuff Lisa. Hope all is well!
Its so good to see you posting on here. Its so nice here I hesitated in posting Where else but AZ can you go to home depot to get christmas decorations Its kind of wierd here really warm birds are happy though, I have my laying hens in one coop and 2 ban
stams in a rabbit coop. I sure miss my serama

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