
Argon! Incidentally, I feel really stupid that I've been going to the Ogden location of Cal Ranch. I had never noticed there was one in Layton. Duh!

Ha Ha, it actually just barely opened in this last year so don't feel to bad! Its a really new one, and the staff is very very nice! I only knew about it because I live practically right next to it!
Ya know I didn't quite catch the breed, I think, and this is purely conjecture, that they said it was an orpington bantam maybe, we really only got it cause my wife really wanted her own chicken :)
uuuuugh I'm an idiot.

I let my dd talk me into letting her go to the midnight premiere of Hunger Games. Since I was going to be up that late anyway, i decided to come along.

I'm an 8 hours of sleep kind of person. Only got about 3 hours of sleep. And tonight I'm going to a birthday party in Orem, so it won't be an early night.
Oh sphinx I feel for you! those years right before they start driving are so busy, then when they do drive you cannot sleep because you worry so much. Hope the show was good. My DD had tickets to go tonight, and she got grounded.....great kid......but was not in the place she was supposed to be and I did not get the "whole truth" so we are grounded from our car, and no movie tonight. Now my great kid is a mad kid lol and my ears are burning.
I had to drive her to school this morning and I got an earful all the way there. I want to see the show myself but my DH cannot go tonight so hopefully this weekend. Hope you can sleep in tomorrow Sphinx and get back your balance.

This is going to be such a beautiful weekend, spring fever has set in---we built a fire on the patio last night and grilled us up some (chicken!!) and had a nice lounging session. There is so much I want to do---the weather gets like this and I go crazy. I have lists and lists of yard, garden, chicken run, window cleaning, garage cleaning....list goes on and on. So dear Lord please give me the energy to get 'r done this weekend! And have some more lounging in there somewhere. ;)

Argon, your chicks are awesome! Are these your first? Peepers are the bestest :)
Here are my latest. You can see how some look like they have blue and black in them, the black running down the middle.
My splashes made it, just took them a while. One has more markings on it, the one in the middle has dark in the little wing tips already.
Oh OH! How did that penguin get in there??! lol...
Puffy sweet cheeks...and bums :)My one all blue..and you can see the top of the one that is probably a splash
Pretty coloring, but they change so much. Wonder what this little one will do..splash?
Fluffy, puffy babies...love them. Nice slate legs. Lisa, these are siblings to the splash you took. These came from the gal that replaced them when I got a chipmunk..they were all supposed to be BBS Pure A. These are, check out those little slate legs. No chipmunks here. No tiny tots. They show their birds, and when they heard what I got in my first hatch, had to fix it. Sounds like I got one that was right though..the one you got. Does it have puffy cheeks? Some of these aren't as puffy as others, and that's how it works..some are considered better for show than others. I am still wanting that green egg, and I'm not sure that the black one outside~~may even lay an egg!! That tail!
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OMG Cynthia those are the sweetest! Love all of them! My splash---the sister, i think may have had a woops daddy like the chipmunk---haha just because it has green legs. Cheeks are not too puffy yet. It is super small. Solid bright white with gray spots. Super cute...I will get a pic up later today. Questionable tail but the comb looks all girl, so not sure yet on gender. I hope its a girl, I really want to keep that one, sweet personality, a little skittish, but just quiet and sweet. Wish I had more room I would love to take a few of these peepers off your hands! They are cute cute, and the coloring is gorgeous. You keeping some of these? The eggs were amazing!

The cheeks on my lavs are really puffing out. The one I was questioning boy, the big one, wow the cheeks are getting crazy fluffy. Will show them off with my splash when I get out there with the camera.

LOVE your babies. I have peeper envy right now so bad :ya
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These babies came from some pretty eggs, but..I have some that are pipping right now that are coming from some of the most amazing color of blue. I'm not trying to sell to you, serious, just sayin..cause they are pretty! The ones pipping right now are from Cowgirl here on BYC. Excited to see how they look..as to keeping any, I better keep a couple of blacks. Man! As many as I've had, I am having bad luck at keeping myself a girl! I will keep the one outside a bit longer until I know for sure, but, I will probably keep a black from this hatch, and if one of Cowgirls is looking girlish definitely keeping one of hers..or two. I may want a green egg, but if I can get one of those robin blues, I'm all for it.

Hey Shinx..did you see that someone asked for a cam when the eggs started going into action? I thought you would have fun doing this. There are a lot of people that are just watching the thread, and not in the hatch along. They want to watch!

Oh and Lisa..yep, an oops daddy if the baby has green legs..sorry! I'm glad you are liking her though. The Ameraucanas and EE's can be skittish at first.as I've found with all of mine, but when they start laying, most of the time, it's like..wow, where did you come from..they usually calm down quite a bit, and start squatting and following you around. My lavender isn't very friendly right now, but I know she will come around.
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