
Donna- hope your remaining chicks get through. I hope the seller will do something to help you out!
Sphinx- good luck with your hatch....crossing fingers!
Cynthia- LOVE that baby, the cutest silkie pic I have seen. Fat and fluffy!
Red--Can't wait to meet you! So far i have met Sphinx, Cynthia, Slvrphoenix, Corvidae, cannot wait to add you to the list. LOVE my chicken friends :)
Here are some pics from the weekend hatch. You let me know which ones you have your eye on :) There were two more silver ish two more blackish and one that was mixed. All of them are yellow on the front.
No 1: This one hatched first, its the mixed. Head is silver and the back is blackish.

No 2: This one is is the bigger black one

No. 3 This one is the smaller of the two silver

No 4: This was the smallest to hatch, The smaller black one.

No 5: This was the biggest to hatch. The bigger silver.

Most of them have some stiff fur that hasn't fluffed out yet around the face. Esp #5. I need to damp towel them off a bit more :) I have not had time yet. They are doing great and have had yogurt and are eating and drinking. Number 5 took awhile to perk up, maybe because it was so chubby...but is doing great now.

Looking at these pics, the site makes them look narrow---must be the camera I am using, it takes wide angle pictures :)
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Thanks Red! I just started hatching button quail how adorable!

Ok Snow, with the cute little bunny Avatar, when did you pop into our Utah home? :)) Welcome!! You are hatching some baby buttons? Have you had any hatch yet.. I have pictures of when mine hatched,,here's what to expect. This was last year. Good luck, and get some pictures up when you can!! They are so darn cute and little.
Those are marbles up above, in a small lid.
Here they almost full grown, another few weeks, and not much bigger than here would be full grown.
This is the cage I set up for them..it was a fun project.
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Oh my gosh, Cynthia. Those baby quail!
I would loooove it if you'd be so kind as to save me a BBS from the hatch! I really am not picky on color, at all. I would just love a chick from you.

Lisa, those babies are so so so cute! It's a hard choice, but I think #'s 1 and 4 are my favorites already. Though #5 is sorely tempting.......I love the chubby babies.........
Hi! Thanks Pollo and Cynthia ! Yes I have hatched buttons before and I'm learning so much about them. I did have a loss so if you can give me any pointers I would appreciate it. I like the cage set up! I'm working with my 4 week old cluster to see how they are, how they imprint and what type of custom housing I should design for them. So far I have enjoyed them immensely.

I think my loss was from a air conditioner draft. You know how warm it got this Sunday? Well the air kicked on in my hatchery and I think two caught a chill. I saved one but the other sadly passed this morning.

Anyway here's a couple fun pics of mine. I am hatching the Euro Tuxedo and Splash from a breeder in Florida.

I am so excited to make friends here and in my area. I am looking forward to seeing and sharing others clutches.
Lisa, you done good--those are some cute little fluffers! We have more eggs in locksdown--6 cream legbars and 11 of my BLRWs. They've started a bit early, with 3 of the cream legbars pipped in there already.

So far, all the remaining Isnars are alive, though I am almost afraid to say that for fear of jinxing myself!
Oh PS Cynthia,.. your buttons look just like mine! I bet your hatching the same type>? I have some Japanese ones a cookin' But I think I will breed the tuxedos I understand they are uncommon here?

Also, All:

Please check out my other posting as I am asking about what type of mystery chicken I just hatched and brought up to 3 weeks of age before I figured out they where not what I paid for. They kinda look like polish. thanks hope to hear from you soon.

Hey Snow, cute babies! Your mystery chicks do look like some kind of crested breed, but they have feathered legs. I didn't think Polish's had that feature?
Hi! Thanks Pollo and Cynthia ! Yes I have hatched buttons before and I'm learning so much about them. I did have a loss so if you can give me any pointers I would appreciate it. I like the cage set up! I'm working with my 4 week old cluster to see how they are, how they imprint and what type of custom housing I should design for them. So far I have enjoyed them immensely.

I think my loss was from a air conditioner draft. You know how warm it got this Sunday? Well the air kicked on in my hatchery and I think two caught a chill. I saved one but the other sadly passed this morning.

Anyway here's a couple fun pics of mine. I am hatching the Euro Tuxedo and Splash from a breeder in Florida.

I am so excited to make friends here and in my area. I am looking forward to seeing and sharing others clutches.

Hey Snow!
Such cute pics, I cant believe they're that small! And I thought my chickens were delicate! I love the doll house set up!
Geeeez Cynthia, Snow----Cute tiny little peepers, I can't believe that! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Snow---those two mystery chicks look like they have puffs like EE, but crested....what kind has those traits? and feathered legs? Can't think of any off the bat, maybe you could look throught the breed section---that helped me indentify my partridge cochin, it was my mystery chick :)

Donna---thanks! Your tips for the incubator helped a ton in getting these guys here. Will cross fingers for a good hatch for you, you have earned it with all the Isbars going---glad to hear they are improving!

Red---#1 and #4 :) Got it. Will hang on to those two for you. #4 is absolutely adorable, teeny, and quiet, very content. That one is my favorite, it is a teensy penguin. I am glad you like it too! #1 has got pretty coloring and is really mellow, doesn't act skittish at all. They are both the same breed, the two mom's are identical so it will be interesting to see how they turn out. Promise pics ok! I am really interested to see how they look when they get big----wish I had more room to keep some! I will post pics this week of whatever hatches of the next 4 to see if you have any change of choice. I do not have much guessing going on yet with the **edit--gender**, I am hoping over the next few days they will change enough to be able to see differences!

Funny thing about these---they do not like the heat lamp! They stay clear on the other end away from the heat. Very strange for newborns, I have to wonder if them being so darn cold during incubation has anything to do with that. Weird huh! They sure seem healthy, they are really busy but hardly make a peep, very quiet. Their moms are pretty quiet. too.
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