UUUGGGG! Please TELL me to keep the bator shut!


11 Years
Jan 10, 2009
I have 2 chicks that hatched on day 20 and keep staring at them in the bator wanting to take them out soooo bad but have 13 more to hatch! I told myself I was going to leave the babies in the bator this time because last hatch, I couldn't help myself and took them out a couple of hours after they were born and ended up having 6 that didn't hatch:(...PLEASE some words of encouragement for me to KEEP THE BATOR SHUT and sit on my hands!!!!
They'll be fine. All that yolk to hold them over and all. Plusssss they will encourage and cheer on the ones still in their eggs.
They can't do that from the brooder. Its amazing how much a hatch picks up when there are 2 or more peeping at the others to hurry up.
:D Just take some pics ad walk away.

Ok, that was my hard line pitch. Now for the emotional support.
Let us know how the hatch goes.
Step away from the bator is good advice. I am pretty sure two pipped and did not hatch because I did not "step away from the bator".
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