

Girl, I'm FABulous
8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
Warm.... Under a blanket... In Alaska...
Am I the ONLY one whose parents drive them CRAZY? I mean seriously, crazy? My dad is a GIANT KID, plays video games, etc. And he'll yell me when hes playing an online gome "Are you uploading pictures?!?!?!" Then I say "No" And then he says , 5minutes later "HOW MANY PICS ARE YOU UPLOADING?!?" And I had to praticaly scream "NONE!"
My mom loves to hunt. So we went hunting all weekend (Camping out), then 2 days later I went camping with the class. Well gee, like a couple hours later she asks "YOU WANT TO GO HUNTING TOMORROW?" I snap and say "No!" and she then gets mad at ME! I mean REALLY, you think I want to do NON STOP STUFF? Ugh, I just wanted to

Oh, and you don't even want me to bring up the Ohiki situation!

Thanks for listening to my rant
LOL sorry thats funny
But YES my hand is up
but mine is the opposite my dad Is obsessed with hunting and my mum is on her iphone 24/7 seriously.
I feel sorry for you
my parents arent that bad
i feel sorry for you
I'm surprised that they want to ever do anything with you when you have such a rotten attitude. I feel sorry for your parents.

And since it is your dad's house and not yours, he can do all the gaming he would like. You are essentially a guest in your parents' house. Until you are paying rent and paying for the internet, you get absolutely no say in how it is used.
I am suddenly reminded how lucky I am. I have a son who says, "I'm thinking about bringing up my Minecraft server. Do you want to play?" My daughter constantly wants to show me her Warriors cat drawings, or have me come see the funny video she's watching. When I'm online here, I get frequent interruptions from both of them, as well as my husband, who may be watching a classic movie. The other day, my son came in to tell me about something he was doing on WoW and Hubby had brought the ipad in to see if I could ID an actor in this old black-and-white film. Hubby laughed and told DS, "Wait your turn. I have her right now!" I did kinda want to tell both of them, "I was in mid-post. Can I please be allowed to gather my wits and at least finish the thought?" But I didn't.

CBL, I'm sure you love your folks, and enjoy spending some time with them. I understand you feeling like you want some time for yourself. The problem with spending time with family, is that you don't always get to choose when that time is. Sometimes, the chance to do a particular thing goes by, and you don't get another. Cut 'em some slack - they are only human!
I lost my dad when I was 26. I look back now and regret wasted opportunities. I wish I could have him back some days, no matter what he does and what he's like. You only get one set of parents. Enjoy them!
It's a parent's job to drive their kids nuts. How else can they make them eager to get out of their parent's house and into one of their own?

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