Va Snow

Where in the county are you? I am toward the Wilderness.

right next to the airport

its kinda funny how the different areas handle the snow.... we used to live in IL and i remember one day it being -20 with the wind chill and having a foot of snow on the ground, haveing to make it across campus to my classes. our first year in norfolk it snowed a whole 1/2 inch and EVERYTHING, and i mean everything shut down. not even the grocery store was open... could Not believe it.
OHhhhhhhhhhh! I know where you are!! Howdy neighbor.

I'll PM you.
I have never wanted snowshoes until this morning.
Wading through snow as it falls down into your boots sure wakes you up fast.
Wading through snow as it falls down into your boots sure wakes you up fast

Well, when I lived in the snowy north, I learned....first pair of tube socks over the bottom of the longjohns, second pair on the outside of the jeans, then rolled down over the top of the boot...That way the boot top is full of jeans and socks and the outer sock covers the laces to keep them from getting cold feet!​
Rhonda, you and Curt must have been right behind eachother. Were you on 58?

Hey Kim, No on 19 traveling toward Lebanon from Bristol. Power lines were down across the road at the top of John Douglas. North moving traffic was stalled for hours while they tried to fix it.
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