Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

Hi-dee-ho fellow Hatchers...
My chicken math skills are absolutely horrid. Lol! I was grabbing day '24' eggs to toss and found a PIP!
This is what I got for getting an F in math...

WOW! I call her my Franken-baby, Frankie for fecals n fodder! To top that off... while removing her shell I found this...

I set five, one was infertile, so now I have to continue to fret over the remaining three!
What day did you set them on?

i found the best thing for me is to write the date on the egg when i put it in the bator.....then count my days on a calendar hanging by the bator where i have a line running thru the lockdown days and what if i just glance at the calendar i should know if anything is going in the hatcher that week or not, what breed/s and what day. Way easier then counting over and over and trying to remember the dates and i have a visual reminder right there on the wall. i also do off set hatches so i might have those 6 eggs go into lockdown monday and these 10 on friday of the same week and everything else stays in the bator untill....whatever the calendar says.
i just set another 40+ last night, had to wait for the last batch to go to the lockdown incubator (only have 2 running right now). I am wondering if I should just break down and buy a GFQ or sportsman-does anyone use those? one would hope some of the issues i have with my LG styrofoam one would not happen in a bigger one. i am small scale but i have peak times and limited space (i live in a travel trailer, about 300 sq ft-no central heat).
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Your always so talkitive Paris
i am eager to learn more (a grad student y'know) i havent hatched out eggs in years. plus this thread is active so i am more likely to get a response in time.
is this one going to have problems?-like puncturing a vein? this is one from a set that are due in 2 days. this is not a shipped egg, it is one of my silkies.
is this one going to have problems?-like puncturing a vein? this is one from a set that are due in 2 days. this is not a shipped egg, it is one of my silkies.
Try gently picking off a little bit of just the shell (not the membrane at all if possible) to be able to see around it and make sure its nares are clear of the membrane. Suffocation is the biggest prob with where its pipped. If it tries to come out and has probs, then go from there. For now I'd just make sure it can breathe.
i just set another 40+ last night, had to wait for the last batch to go to the lockdown incubator (only have 2 running right now). I am wondering if I should just break down and buy a GFQ or sportsman-does anyone use those? one would hope some of the issues i have with my LG styrofoam one would not happen in a bigger one. i am small scale but i have peak times and limited space (i live in a travel trailer, about 300 sq ft-no central heat).

If you can afford a cabinet, they are very worth it. I'd recommend the Dickey's as first choice tho... I have a very old Leahy redwoood, they are just about worth their weight in gold, lol... but they keep temps extremely well, even in barns, etc.

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