Valentine's hatch-a-long


My homecoming present! Has anyone ever had trouble with chicks squashing other chicks in the shell??

They are packed in there pretty tight.
Finally!! I have at least one working their way out.

My homecoming present! Has anyone ever had trouble with chicks squashing other chicks in the shell??

They are packed in there pretty tight.

Look at those cute darlings. How many more are you waiting on?

So still no activity from mine. They are really testing me. First time with both and they are making me sweat.
5 unassisted fuzzy butts hatched today.
2 more that pipped last night we assisted this afternoon but are still struggling in the bator with the 3 non performers.
Today is day 22.

They look great!
How many have hatched?

I have 18 out of 26 hatched so far. I have four more with their little beaks hanging out of holes taking their sweet time.

And I have 4 that I can't even see a pip. Never had this happen..bc well it's only my second hatch. Should I leave them be a little longer?? I opened the incubator once for about 30 seconds to grab everyone out bc they were smashing and laying on the other ones trying to zip and I was afraid they would suffocate like SallyinIndiana said. I threw in a hot wet rag to keep the humidity up. Hopefully I didn't shrink wrap them.

How many of yours have hatched?? How many are you waiting on??

I have had a chick sit on an egg right in the tiny pip spot and the pipped egg suffocated.   

Look at those cute darlings.  How many more are you waiting on?

So still no activity from mine.  They are really testing me.  First time with both and they are making me sweat.

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