Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I do feel for you silkiemomma9. What a lot of snow shovelling! Snow makes everything ten times as difficult doesn't it? We are forecast some for tomorrow, have tried to get ahead with outside chores, but as you say, feeding and watering has to be done daily. Have just heard on the radio that power lines are down in some eastern parts of the US and Canada. Hope all affected can manage until help comes, and a thaw.
We had a 3 yr hitch in Alaska while in the military and being born n raised in cal, ive have my share of snow! I feel for u guys up there, stay warm, stay safe n I'm sending well wished for ur animals too!
Sugar - as in processed is a no no for vegans, it's refined with 'bones'- I personally use Agava as a sweetener & of course fruit
lots of natural sugars.
What do you mean refined with bones?
Phew! We just checked on the chickens finally about 3:00 pm, when my DH finally got the shoveling and snow blowing done so we could get to them - we had about 30 inches of snow and huge drifts (6 feet by the front steps) ugg. The girls were happy to see us -- cooing and having a conversation with us.

I recently found a raw vegan website (probably can never find it again
) where the person suggested the "better than" philosophy for making food decisions. Many people in our country and throughout the world do not have a choice of what they will eat each day. They are grateful to have anything to eat at all. But if we have a choice of foods to eat, then we all make dozens of food choices throughout each day about what to buy? what to cook? organic? local? what to pack for lunch? prepare for dinner? fresh or convenience food? eat at home or eat at a restaurant? which restaurant? local maple syrup or local honey? cake from scratch or a box? what type of lettuce? green or red peppers? Do I eat a snack now or in a 1/2 hour? Can I wait to get home in 1 hour to eat or do I stop at the convenience store and grab a bag of chips? etc. etc. You get the picture.

She suggested that we try mindful eating and think about the choices we make based on what is the best option at the time. For each person and in each situation that can and will be different. That has made me feel better about my raw vegan life choices. There are no raw vegan police, or vegan police, or vegetarian police. We all follow our consciences and life philosophies to the best of our abilities as we muddle through this life. And for me, I have aged, my life has changed, the world has changed, and with it, many beliefs that I held as truth have changed as well. I have traveled alot in the past few years and especially now as a raw vegan, sometimes my food choices seem limited in places I travel. I can only carry so much food with me.

So just for me, just for today . . . in the airport, a piece of fresh fruit is better than a chocolate bar even if it isn't organic or local. Buying a banana I can peel is better than an apple that I can't wash. A bottle of water is better than a soda. At my destination, a salad is better than cooked vegetables, but cooked vegetables may be better than getting sick from salad greens that were rinsed in unsafe water. . . you get the picture. My DH who will eat anything says we eat to live, not live to eat.
This has some good sugar info. I personally feel an excess of any thing, especially sweeties (including fruits) isn't so great for you. However as someone had commented before, I do think your region has a lot to do with your food choices. Especially is you are trying to be environmentally conscious. Having things shipped uses tons of resources, eating your local foods saves lots of gas and pollution.
I am going to try going vegetarian! We had a whole BBQ chicken the other night, and I didn't want it. My brain was saying no, no, no! I just got 6 little chicks, so I was imagining one of them on my plate.

I don't like meat as much as everyone else... I'm going to try it for a month! We'll see what happens!

I'd appreciate any help and/or tips from any seasoned vegetarians! Thanks!
I'm not a vegetarian but I do know friends who did it for 30 days n felt just Awsome physically. I tried it ( no vegan for me, I love eggs n cheese too much) but only made it about a week n a half. I love veggies n do not want meat ev night but after a while I gave in cuz I really wanted a steak. :-/. I'm not very disaplined but best of luck to u!
I need help with this... I told my mother that I was going to try vegetarian for a month. She responded back quickly with a "Well, I'm not changing my meals just because you're not going to eat meat, and what are you going to do? Cook your own dinners? What are you going to eat instead of meat? You know you need protein! Yadydadyda..."

She obviously doesn't understand my reasoning. I'm at a loss. What should I tell her? I am very aware that I need protein, and I know where to get it! (My best friend is a vegetarian, so I'm fully aware...)

Rezia, I'm the only vegetarian in my home, and the rest of the family eats meat. I'm the main cook, as well. It quickly becomes a pain to plan and cook two different meals. I tend to make a pot of soup and eat it for several days, or make a bean dish I can eat several different ways. I sympathize with you and your mom, both. Try asking her to add veggie sausage, and veggie burgers to the menu. Eat one meatless dish as a family each week, and make burritos with refried beans, salad with beans, salad with cheese and nuts, etc.

I also hate tofu, so I use a lot of different protein sources. Barrilla makes a very good high protein pasta that you could eat with cheese, or a simple marinara. I'll try to look up and post my pasta with chickpea sauce.
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