Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Thank you mom'sfolly! I'll talk to her later on... Tonight, I need to find a quick recipe that I can eat on my own. (She's making something with chicken. Bleh.
) I'll try the barilla sometime this week. Maybe I can co-op dinners with my veggie friend. Thank you!
My husband is quite the carnivore but on nights that are meatless we make a giant salad. I use whatever I have on hand so I call it the " kitchen sink salad". It usually has everything but the kitchen sink in it. Plus garlic bread or bread sticks. Makes a very very filling dinner :)
Rezia, it is good though that so long as you make your own meals, she will let you eat veggie. :) There are really good online resources for making balanced vegetarian meals. I'll try to link some later, but can't do links on this device. I knew one girl who only ever seemed to eat vegetarian fried 'chicken' and fries, so that is a great example of an unbalanced vegetarian diet!
I hope so! Most people will at least admire that you are taking the impressive initiative to follow through with your personal goals, even if they don't understand them.
I've been a vegetarian for my entire life for animal rights. I was lucky that growing up my mom was also a vegetarian for the same reasons. My dad on the other was less willing to cook vegetarian. We got box rice or pasta from him. I tried being vegan but only lasted a month! I love pizza!!! Just got four pullets(all hens) with my boyfriend who I converted to vegetarian (he says he feels better and thinks he has better karma by not eating meat). Most people that found out about our chickens were so taken back. " what are you guys gonna do when they stop laying?" "Your a vegetarian Are u going to eat ur chicken when it dies or kill it when it stops laying" I can't believe people think thAt?!? Why can't my hens be my pet? I'm not gonna kill and eat my dog when he gets older and can't keep up. Anyways, my boyfriend has promised that when our girls get to that age he is going to build/add on a retirement coop!
Finally!! Acceptance!! Last night she made me eat a half a chicken breast, but later on she substituted veggie broth for chicken broth in soup. I was getting worried that she wasn't going to allow me.

Tonight, I'm going to make some Pad Thai! I found a good recipe on BYC that I'm going to try... I'll freeze portions and eat it for a few days.
I've been a vegetarian for my entire life for animal rights. I was lucky that growing up my mom was also a vegetarian for the same reasons.  My dad on the other was less willing to cook vegetarian. We got box rice or pasta from him.  I tried being vegan but only lasted a month! I love pizza!!! Just got four pullets(all hens) with my boyfriend who I converted to vegetarian (he says he feels better and thinks he has better karma by not eating meat). Most people that found out about our chickens were so taken back. " what are you guys gonna do when they stop laying?" "Your a vegetarian Are u going to eat ur chicken when it dies or kill it when it stops laying"  I can't believe people think thAt?!? Why can't my hens be my pet? I'm not gonna kill and eat my dog when he gets older and can't keep up. Anyways, my boyfriend has promised that when our girls get to that age he is going to build/add on a retirement coop!
I have 6 hens ( still to young to lay tho) and I got them because we live eggs and also cuz I've always wanted some. One day my husband says, as he's building the coop "what r we gonna do w/ these hens when they stop laying?". I said nothing, they will be retired n keep my blood pressure down. :). He thinks a nice stew would be ok, THAT'S NEVER gonna happen!! If they give me eggs n pleasure, they at least deserve a nice place to retire. That's my veiw on it anyway. I o ly have 6 so it's not like a huge expense. Lol
I've been a vegetarian for my entire life for animal rights. I was lucky that growing up my mom was also a vegetarian for the same reasons. My dad on the other was less willing to cook vegetarian. We got box rice or pasta from him. I tried being vegan but only lasted a month! I love pizza!!! Just got four pullets(all hens) with my boyfriend who I converted to vegetarian (he says he feels better and thinks he has better karma by not eating meat). Most people that found out about our chickens were so taken back. " what are you guys gonna do when they stop laying?" "Your a vegetarian Are u going to eat ur chicken when it dies or kill it when it stops laying" I can't believe people think thAt?!? Why can't my hens be my pet? I'm not gonna kill and eat my dog when he gets older and can't keep up. Anyways, my boyfriend has promised that when our girls get to that age he is going to build/add on a retirement coop!

So many people annoy me by asking what I am going to do with my hens when they stop laying. And they always question why I keep certain bantams that rarely lay eggs. I try to tell people they are pets - The eggs are an added bonus - but they just can't get it through their heads. Chickens have personalities, come when called (at least mine do), and are wonderful pets! I'm not a vegetarian, but am trying to reduce the amount of meat I eat. I completely stopped eating pig products, but if I am at a church picnic, or something, and the only option are hot dogs I eat those. Hopefully over the years, I will develop a healthy diet without any meat. I am living under my parents, and before I asked my mom if I could stop eating meat, but she is too worried about my not eating healthy enough. When doing a paper for school, we had to write a persuasive paper on whether or not hunting should be illegal. Since the whole world won't go vegetarian, I tried to persuade hunting to be legal, because if it is not legal more animals will be raised inhumanly and killed in slaughter houses. I never look at meat the same way, and sometimes feel sick eating it. I could never live without fruits, but meat is not a very big part of what I consume, so switching to a diet without meat would not cause suffering :)

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